Sam is parodying the tune, “I’m Popeye the Sailin’ Man” that was created for the classic Popeye cartoons that began in 1933. In 1934, the cartoon studio that produced Popeye, The Fleischer Brothers, produced a shorter-than-usual short, “Let’s Sing with Popeye” that’s just the song itself. I felt that was the best film to copy an html to:
Sam is parodying the tune, “I’m Popeye the Sailin’ Man” that was created for the classic Popeye cartoons that began in 1933. In 1934, the cartoon studio that produced Popeye, The Fleischer Brothers, produced a shorter-than-usual short, “Let’s Sing with Popeye” that’s just the song itself. I felt that was the best film to copy an html to: