My wife and I differ on our pool temperature. She measures it in degrees Fahrenheit, I measure it in minutes of useful consciousness before hypothermia sets in.
As children we’d go swimming in the North Atlantic in Long Island in April. As a side note, the Titanic went down in the North Atlantic in April. We’d come out of the water shivering, with blue lips and numb extremities, lay down in the sun, defrost and go back in! We had no body mass to speak of.
My wife and I differ on our pool temperature. She measures it in degrees Fahrenheit, I measure it in minutes of useful consciousness before hypothermia sets in.
As children we’d go swimming in the North Atlantic in Long Island in April. As a side note, the Titanic went down in the North Atlantic in April. We’d come out of the water shivering, with blue lips and numb extremities, lay down in the sun, defrost and go back in! We had no body mass to speak of.