It does kinda sound like something Jeannie would do to Major Healey. Probably to break up the double date he was setting up for Tony with some gorgeous brunette.
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Here’s the classic comics update for the 27th:
Last year, the Alley Rangers were forming up a football team. This year, they may be getting ready to “rumble”. The whole gang is in training.
Billy over at the Crystal Pistol has a pretty good workman’s compensation case. That is, if he can get the Doc to sign off on the disability, and if he’s enrolled in the plan. I’m not really sure if Gaye still retains an interest in the saloon or not by this time.
Brenda tosses and turns in her bed, showing off some cheesecakey poses while she agonizes about what’s happening to Lance, and also because for all the trouble in the present, she can’t help but think of that man from her past.
Wilmer takes one look at the band, and decides that his Uncle Pert is in mortal danger. Does he think Pert’s changed his will already? I guess it’s to Bobble’s credit that he’s concerned about the old coot.
It does kinda sound like something Jeannie would do to Major Healey. Probably to break up the double date he was setting up for Tony with some gorgeous brunette.
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Here’s the classic comics update for the 27th:
Last year, the Alley Rangers were forming up a football team. This year, they may be getting ready to “rumble”. The whole gang is in training.
Billy over at the Crystal Pistol has a pretty good workman’s compensation case. That is, if he can get the Doc to sign off on the disability, and if he’s enrolled in the plan. I’m not really sure if Gaye still retains an interest in the saloon or not by this time.
Brenda tosses and turns in her bed, showing off some cheesecakey poses while she agonizes about what’s happening to Lance, and also because for all the trouble in the present, she can’t help but think of that man from her past.
Wilmer takes one look at the band, and decides that his Uncle Pert is in mortal danger. Does he think Pert’s changed his will already? I guess it’s to Bobble’s credit that he’s concerned about the old coot.