Well, it seems Bea R. our creator, will be back tomorrow, so I will be sending the card in less than 14 hours. So, if you haven’t signed her “welcome back” care yet, now is a great time! Here is the link to sign the card: https://www.groupgreeting.com/sign/82fbdd27e39c0f0 Put in your comment and/or picture/graphic and save it. I paid for it, so it is free for you. Let Bea know how much you like her stories and art! This card will automatically add pages as needed. Find a spot and make your comment, add a pic if you want.
Well, it seems Bea R. our creator, will be back tomorrow, so I will be sending the card in less than 14 hours. So, if you haven’t signed her “welcome back” care yet, now is a great time! Here is the link to sign the card: https://www.groupgreeting.com/sign/82fbdd27e39c0f0 Put in your comment and/or picture/graphic and save it. I paid for it, so it is free for you. Let Bea know how much you like her stories and art! This card will automatically add pages as needed. Find a spot and make your comment, add a pic if you want.