Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for November 20, 2024
from the tip top secretive dossiers of S.P.E.A.R. subject: Scrappy lad first appearance: 11-21-05 aliases: Sassy lass (ref: 12-27-06), scrappy lord (ref:6-4-07), scrap iron (ref: 8-17-09) affiliations: wanna be sidekick to captain victorious. hopelessly in love with moxie gumption. known enemies: captain victorious, moxie gumption. origin: apparently no one has ever asked. powers: seriously? Weaknesses: seriously?? Drink of choice: Choc-o-charge (shot of bosco in a pint of milk.)
The date for “Sassy Lass” is correct, but the date for “Scrappy Lord” should be 9-Jun-2007, and “Scrap Iron” appeared on 22-Aug-2009.