Matt Bors for September 19, 2008
As the economy disintegrated, Congress got down to business with action every American can get behind. H. RES. 1255 A resolution honoring Toby Keith's commitment to members of the armed forces. He deserves credit. Who would have thought his jingoist jingles could keep our boys pumped up for the better part of a decade? Soldier: WE'LL PUT A BOOT IN YOUR ASS, IT'S THE AMERICAN WAY!! Saw him live in Baghdad 4 times. With 50 co-sponsors, the resolution notes how Toby "allows members of the armed forces to eat and drink for free in his restaurants." Man: A free samich? WOO-EEE! Man #2: He takes better care of vets than WE do! 'Course, we're bogged down writin' important resolutions.