I was forced into braces and paid for them myself. My parents would not go assist in braces in my young child days. I was 20 and working full time. My teeth was pushing back against my teeth and I had to go through orthodontics. For retainers I did not stay on very long and forgot to wear them. My teeth stayed in new position. I like the rest went through 4 years of braces. Dated my then boyfriend then finished with braces just before we got married. My time flies more then 32 years ago. My dad where he worked at when not on lay-off all the time no money to pay for teeth work.
I was forced into braces and paid for them myself. My parents would not go assist in braces in my young child days. I was 20 and working full time. My teeth was pushing back against my teeth and I had to go through orthodontics. For retainers I did not stay on very long and forgot to wear them. My teeth stayed in new position. I like the rest went through 4 years of braces. Dated my then boyfriend then finished with braces just before we got married. My time flies more then 32 years ago. My dad where he worked at when not on lay-off all the time no money to pay for teeth work.