Pat Oliphant for April 05, 2000
What if... the Cubans were to rescue young Robert Nockdonger III of Bayonne, NJ, from the seas off Havana? Like. Help. And Castro said the Cuban courts should decide if he should be returned to the U.S. or given full Cuban citizenship immediately. I'm, like, happy here - they gave me this, like, dog. And the aggrieved father demanded his return. How do you cope? And the U.S. state dept. issued stern warnings. And the president said Cuba should throw the kid back in the sea and let the U.S. coast guard rescue him. And can we talk about the economy? And the U.S. marines etc... went ashore in Cuba. Are we sick of all this yet? My father wouldn't like give me a dog. Would this mean the kid could keep the dog?