Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for May 25, 2014
Rat: Want to buy a 'rah rah corporations' bumper sticker? Goat: Corporations? Why are you hyping corporations? Rat: Because when anything goes wrong, an employee can blame a manager. And a manger can blame a vice president. And a vice president can blame a president. And a president can blame a C.E.O. And a C.E.O. can blame a board of directors. And a board of directors can just they were just looking out for the shareholders. Which is somehow, buried somewhere in the mutual funds in my 401k account... me. And I have no morals! Goat; Please stop celebrating. Rat: All blame disappears if you disperse it enough.
Why are the Republicans always to blame for everything wrong? The Democrats are just as bad if not worse. Just look at GM.