Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for October 25, 2020
richard's poor almanac cartoon roundtable by richard thompson the return of beloved 1980's icon opus the talking penguin has caused severe overcrowding in the sunday comics section. we've invited characters from several affected strips to address this important issue. man: i say comic strip overcrowding is obviously the fault of pushy talking penguins, and lawyers and politicians. caveman: and satan. huey: and condoleeza rice. hippy: in 1966 owsley was making the blotter acid of choice... wait, what're we talkin' about here, man? non sequitur b.c. boondocks flashbacks prince: we shouldst challenge this usurper penguin to a joust! then short-sheet his lance, if you know what i mean. sherman: i could just eat the penguin. cathy: he's edible? lemme at him!- hey kid, your shirt just flat-lined. charlie: good grief! i must be dead! mooch: well shmove over and give us shome elbow room. prince valiant sherman's lagoon cathy classic peanuts mutts
Charlie Brown is dead!?!