WebSpider, are you thinking of the Bruce Davidson “Willard” or the Crispin Glover “Willard”? Bruce D. was 1971, Crispin was the 2003 remake. Yes, Socrates was the white rat (Willard’s boss – I think played by Ernest Borgnine – killed him in “Willard”) But Socrates isn’t a movie title! Bruce Davidson played Crispin-Willard’s dead father in the remake (appearing in a portrait.) Gah, I know way too much about this! ;-)
WebSpider, are you thinking of the Bruce Davidson “Willard” or the Crispin Glover “Willard”? Bruce D. was 1971, Crispin was the 2003 remake. Yes, Socrates was the white rat (Willard’s boss – I think played by Ernest Borgnine – killed him in “Willard”) But Socrates isn’t a movie title! Bruce Davidson played Crispin-Willard’s dead father in the remake (appearing in a portrait.) Gah, I know way too much about this! ;-)