We can date our “creatures from 10,000 years ago” cavemen even more precisely now:
We are looking at the 12th century CE for crude interior flues. Architecture had developed new and exciting techniques. “The New Style” came into fashion and everyone wanted a church built in “the new style.” Two hundred years later “the new style” went out of fashion and was considered barbaric. It was renamed “Gothic architecture” because it must have come from those uncouth northerners. (In the 19th century the Romantic movement will give us the neo-Gothic revival because the disease of nostalgia convinced morons that life was so much better in the 12th century.)
We can date our “creatures from 10,000 years ago” cavemen even more precisely now:
We are looking at the 12th century CE for crude interior flues. Architecture had developed new and exciting techniques. “The New Style” came into fashion and everyone wanted a church built in “the new style.” Two hundred years later “the new style” went out of fashion and was considered barbaric. It was renamed “Gothic architecture” because it must have come from those uncouth northerners. (In the 19th century the Romantic movement will give us the neo-Gothic revival because the disease of nostalgia convinced morons that life was so much better in the 12th century.)