“She dwelt among untrodden ways”/ aye, that is where she dwelt/ She made her living selling fish/ and so of Smelt she smellt/ When, at the window she appeared/ her old employer fled/ for, to his certain knowledge, she/ had been some five years dead…/ A wild affair the two had shared/ among the drying nets / but still, for him, a clear “net gain”/ and he had few regrets/ until she made those loud demands/ (t’is not a pretty story) / and she was sent to sea aboard/ an ancient, hole-y dory…/ the dory sank amid a storm/ as they are wont to do/ but she is back, a “spirit”, now,/ and he must join her crew. (Bwahahahahaha…)
“She dwelt among untrodden ways”/ aye, that is where she dwelt/ She made her living selling fish/ and so of Smelt she smellt/ When, at the window she appeared/ her old employer fled/ for, to his certain knowledge, she/ had been some five years dead…/ A wild affair the two had shared/ among the drying nets / but still, for him, a clear “net gain”/ and he had few regrets/ until she made those loud demands/ (t’is not a pretty story) / and she was sent to sea aboard/ an ancient, hole-y dory…/ the dory sank amid a storm/ as they are wont to do/ but she is back, a “spirit”, now,/ and he must join her crew. (Bwahahahahaha…)