/// When the two lovers play Hide and Seek,
their rules state it is OK to sneak.
Past the doorway he’ll find
she’d been hiding behind
when, to heighten The Ambush, she’ll shriek.
/// The girl’s high-pitched screech could make glass shatter.
From the shock he fell back with a clatter.
He now knew a huge shocker:
she was off of her rocker.
Fright had just made him empty his bladder.
/// When the two lovers play Hide and Seek,
their rules state it is OK to sneak.
Past the doorway he’ll find
she’d been hiding behind
when, to heighten The Ambush, she’ll shriek.
/// The girl’s high-pitched screech could make glass shatter.
From the shock he fell back with a clatter.
He now knew a huge shocker:
she was off of her rocker.
Fright had just made him empty his bladder.