Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for March 02, 2012
news of the times mitt romney admits: "i am a corporation" after the discovery of certain massachusetts state filings, presidential hopeful mitt romney was forced into a startling admission: mitt: corporations are people, my friends! and i should know; i'm a corporate american! reporter: so you are fictional person, a legal entity devised by corporate registration? mitt: yes, no one noticed, but things pass right through me. i'm totally insubstantial. experts agree this explains his impossibly perfect corporate appearance. mitt: ...and my shifting positions! my shareholders voted in a new board of directors four years ago. it also explains his utter inability to relate to actual humans. mitt: ha-ha! i, too, like burritos to ingest! ha-ha! i'm laughing with you. i'd like to fire you. the c.e.o. of willard mitt romney, inc.: ceo: look, a corporation running for president was inevitable. it cuts out the middleman. romney, inc. pressed on in its campaign. mitt: this country needs fewer regulations! they harm corporations merely to benefit humans! wait, not humans! i meant washington insiders! i like humans! president obama was quick to triangulate, going after the pro-corporate vote. obama: i'll cut the corporate tax rate even further! and i'm considering merging myself with goldman sachs.
Corporations have all the rights of the people who compose them. The same for labor unions, political parties, the Boy Scouts, the Philadelphia Orchestra, and every other voluntary combination of people. Hating corporations is just another of the many ways Leftists oppose rights.