‘minds me of my trips down old rte 11 and 5 to get to Biloxi back in the middle ’50’s. Plenty of goobers ready to relieve an Army guy of his bucks, esp if the car had NY plates. When I got Mizsippy plates, I suddenly became a ‘good ol’ boy’..Ah, for the Good Ol’ Days when I had muscle, hair, talent and no money…..(sigh)
‘minds me of my trips down old rte 11 and 5 to get to Biloxi back in the middle ’50’s. Plenty of goobers ready to relieve an Army guy of his bucks, esp if the car had NY plates. When I got Mizsippy plates, I suddenly became a ‘good ol’ boy’..Ah, for the Good Ol’ Days when I had muscle, hair, talent and no money…..(sigh)