Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for October 07, 2001
SIGN: KICK ME Investigative Reporter CHIP CHIPSON presents: BURNING ISSUES! CHIP: Friends, today's "burning issue" is bullying! And here to discuss it is celebrity psychologist Dr. Warren Fuzzy! FUZZY: Chip, bullying is the scourge of our schools! We all remember what it's like to be bullied! We've all felt powerless! But what we don't realize is how powerless the bullies feel! CHIP: The bullies feel powerless?? FUZZY: Right, Chip! That's why they're bullies! They're compensating for their underlying sense of inadequacy. Underneath they're cowards! Once we know that, we can stand up to the bullies and stop the cycle of bullying! GODFREY: Nate. I'm watching you, mister. CHIP: Does that really work? FUZZY: Unless they're teachers. Then you just live in fear.
Ever Lovin Ellen