Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for August 28, 2005
"First and ten!" "Okay, Artur. Huddle up." "I'll be Q.B...You go out." "Hokay. Go out where?" "Go out for a PASS! Do a button-hook!" "What is button-hook?" "You just up the field, and..." "What field I go to?" "The FIELD, Artur! The field we're PLAYING on!" "But on STREET we are playing." "OKAY, then! WhatEVER! You go up the STREET!" "Take five steps, turn around, and look for the ball!" "I see ball already! Is right there!" "NO! I mean look for the PASS when you go OUT!" "Yes. Go out where?" "JUST GET OPEN!" "I'll bet we win." "If we ever play."
The one thing Arthur sucks at. English.