Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for October 18, 2014

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 10 years ago

    So… uh… how does such an amphibian hear with its mouth?

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    Aussie Down Under  over 10 years ago

    I’m have trouble hearing why anyone would send a bonsai tree into the atmosphere when they could use the Mississippi to float it backwards.

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    Cminuscomics&stories Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Japanese artists must be goofier than American artists!

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    NaturLvr  over 10 years ago

    The Mississippi River also ran backwards, or appeared to, during the New Madrid, Missouri, earthquakes of 1811-12.

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    jack fairbanks  over 10 years ago

    The New Madrid earthquake of winter 1811/1812 generated reports of the Mississippi running “retrograde” for several hours, and was estimated to have been felt over an area of one million square miles. There are many fascinating aspects surrounding the event / it makes for an entertaining “Google”…

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    tuslog64  over 10 years ago

    In 1993, the Ohio River was in flood stage at Paducah – even though the Ohio was in technical drought!(Back water from the flooding Mississippi)

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    marilynn25  over 10 years ago

    Send a bonsai tree up with a weather balloon?!? What the heck for?? Sounds like it was government-sponsored (A/K/A “waste of Japanese taxpayers’ money”).

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    Marv Walker  over 10 years ago

    And he knew the little sucker was at the edge of space how?

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    tadchem  over 10 years ago

    My wife has her mouth open all the time, but she never seems to hear a thing I say.

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