FoxTrot by Bill Amend for November 15, 2015
Peter: Is that the new Starcraft expansion? Jason: "Legacy of the void." Yeah. My plan is to practice night and day and get really, really good at it so I can play professionally and win boatloads of money at tournaments. Peter: I thought you were trying to be a "Rocket League" pro. Jason: That was before I realized I'd never be good enough at that game. Peter: And before that weren't you trying to be a "Dota 2" pro? Jason: That was before I realized I'd never be good enough at that game. Peter: And before that there was "League of Legends" and "Counter Strike" and "World of Tanks" and what was that first game where you were positively determined to go pro? Oh, yeah, it was the last Starcraft expansion. Jason: Look, if you're trying to say something, just say it!
josh_bisbee over 9 years ago
You’re good, but not good enough to go pro
Hugh B. Hayve over 9 years ago
New expansion for Starcraft II? I’ve got SCII but I never play it because I prefer the original one.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 9 years ago
Don’t believe I every finished one video game like that. I do casual games now, more in my league.
lunatics_fringe Premium Member over 9 years ago
Nice to see him using real game names and not just “World of Warquest”^_^.
Back_phil over 9 years ago
Nerds, all nerds…… no social life, the only sex life you’ll have is Rosie Palm.
Doctor11 over 9 years ago
Fine, you’re never going pro on anything, Jason.
JP Steve Premium Member over 9 years ago
“I coulda been a contendah!”
orz over 9 years ago
LMAO I remember the one where Peter asked the same question, and Jason talked about “Heart of the Swarm” and how his APM was between Swedish and Korean
n8cwhite over 8 years ago
Lel, I love World of Tanks
CalebDaBell over 7 years ago
I love Rocket League! I’m glad Jason tried it for a little bit at least, that game is fun!
MJ J over 4 years ago
He really burns through games. And dreams.
Tijaro over 3 years ago
he should be a rainbow 6 siege pro but that’s against MAGG
david.e.french over 2 years ago
We go not grant you the skill level of “pro”