And I ended up first on the thread. Hey marg, where are you?
Uh, Cliff, assertive and asinine, even though they are relatively close in the dictionary, are NOT synonyms. :)
Hi Rakkav!
And a good answer it was, Cliff.
Hi yerself! :)
Pam: “Uh, Cliff, what part of ‘concentrated capsicum’ do you, as an engineer, not understand?” (SPRITZ!!!) ;)
Now we know the why of the dark glasses.
Hey, if you don’t get Maced once in a while, you’re just not trying.
It might be a good time for Cliff to give up - Pam just maced him this time; she has access to fire arms.
Good thing Cliff had sunglasses to protect him.
My dates usually don’t start with mace, they end with it
If at first you don’t succeed, Cliff, try and…er…well, maybe not.
Pepper spray is a pretty mild response from Pam; I would have expected her to give him a “jewel-ectomy,” or at least put her fist through his face.
Pam’s been slipping lately. Maybe she’s depressed….
Was her raygun on the charger?
Rakkav over 15 years ago
And I ended up first on the thread. Hey marg, where are you?
Uh, Cliff, assertive and asinine, even though they are relatively close in the dictionary, are NOT synonyms. :)
margueritem over 15 years ago
Hi Rakkav!
And a good answer it was, Cliff.
Rakkav over 15 years ago
Hi yerself! :)
Pam: “Uh, Cliff, what part of ‘concentrated capsicum’ do you, as an engineer, not understand?” (SPRITZ!!!) ;)
wndrwrthg over 15 years ago
Now we know the why of the dark glasses.
hymenoxis over 15 years ago
Hey, if you don’t get Maced once in a while, you’re just not trying.
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
It might be a good time for Cliff to give up - Pam just maced him this time; she has access to fire arms.
Constantinepaleologos over 15 years ago
Good thing Cliff had sunglasses to protect him.
lewisbower over 15 years ago
My dates usually don’t start with mace, they end with it
Benedick over 15 years ago
If at first you don’t succeed, Cliff, try and…er…well, maybe not.
Sherlock Watson over 15 years ago
Pepper spray is a pretty mild response from Pam; I would have expected her to give him a “jewel-ectomy,” or at least put her fist through his face.
4deerinmyyard over 15 years ago
Pam’s been slipping lately. Maybe she’s depressed….
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 6 years ago
Was her raygun on the charger?