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Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for February 11, 2012
Man: This is myFacts, Austin speaking! Voice: Hi, my phone is tapped, so I can't tell you my name, but I'm looking for fresh evidence that 9/11 was a government conspiracy! Man: I'm sorry, sir, but I'm showing our Truther line was discontinued. Can I interest you in another elaborate hoax? Voice: Who paid you off? It was Cheney, wasn't it? Just nod. Man: How about Bin Laden? We carry irrefutable proof that he's still alive!
BE THIS GUY about 13 years ago
A bone for the conservatives.
Buzza Wuzza about 13 years ago
A great week of comics. Very funny stuff.
BE THIS GUY about 13 years ago
I hope DT Pi is out there and well. Give us a thumbs up, Dylan.
Bill the Butcher about 13 years ago
“Fresh” evidence?While I personally don’t believe the “11/9 was an inside job” hypothesis, several of my online contacts, highly qualified engineers among them, have persuasive arguments – including mathematical models – which do make one wonder.Of course, it doesn’t matter a damn whether it was or wasn’t an inside job, the Bushies used it as a pretext to begin their planned programme of conquest.
thirdguy about 13 years ago
I’m so disappointed, they never even touched on whether Lady Bird killed JFK!
nurbz about 13 years ago
My favorite theory is the faster than girders painted with nitrate so it must have been “advanced” tesla energy beams one
babka Premium Member about 13 years ago
I was thinking how the Israelis gave Eichmann a trial and we assassinated Bin Ladin & dumped his body at sea. What is wrong with this picture?
Jack Straw about 13 years ago
Hopefully, myFacts will be occasionally revisited, as needed. The smug, amoral Austin is a well realized character.
Nighthawks Premium Member about 13 years ago
it’s true. I saw Bin Laden just last week— peeking over the fence at the grassy knoll
PShaw0423 about 13 years ago
Interesting, the automatic association between MyFACTS and conspiracy theorists. Wouldn’t they get at least some calls from your average opinionated blowhard who doesn’t have a paranoid drum to beat? There are a lot of us them out there, you know.
Radical-Knight about 13 years ago
I worked on a construction site and we had an engineer that whatever opinion or viewpoint he took, he could back it up with something out of the bible. Although there were falacies in his “facts” and “proof”, his reasoning was hilarious.
tigre1 about 13 years ago
After all, what’s a conspiracy? Two or more people breathing each others’ air and thinking together…never happen.
erbtx1 about 13 years ago
who wants to bet that’s Uncle Duke on the other side of the phone? HST was one of the biggest proponents of the 9/11 conspiracy theories. And the last panel sure sounds like an Uncle Duke paranoid statement.
underwriter about 13 years ago
Conspiracy theories do illustrate Gresham’s Law. I mean, there probably was a Gunpowder Plot, and they probably did form a club to kill Julius Caesar. But fake conspiracies drive out real ones.
jimwill0803 about 13 years ago
“You can’t handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who’s gonna do it? You?” Col. Nathan R. Jessup in a Few Good Men
RayThomas101 about 13 years ago
I posted some REAL truth (not the kind liberals believe) the other day and they never put it up. That tells me a lot about this strip. Doonesbury once said, “I’m a cartoonist. I don’t need to tell the truth,” and he’s right. He doesn’t.
jmatrixrenegade about 13 years ago
Is the fact “they” paid the line off to discontinue the line still an acceptable thing to ask for?
Alabama Al about 13 years ago
Both ends of the political spectrum have their Lunatic Fringe. The Left usually regard their fringe as embarrassments; the Right regard their fringe as pundits.
fritzoid Premium Member about 13 years ago
““To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, ‘the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, & the fruits acquired by it.’”
I’d agree with Tom, except that he brings the fathers into it. To be born to a wealthy or prudent father is an accident of birth, as it is to be born to a poor or imprudent fater. How in either case is that the exercise of one’s own industry, or the fruits acquired by it? To have a truly “level playing field”, people who were born at a disadvantage should not unduly suffer from the accident of birth, nor should those born at an advantage unduly profit from it, so that both have as equal an opportunity (as can be arranged) to succeed (or fail) according to individual merit.
But since we’re quoting 200-year-old sources, try this one:It is too early for politicians to presume on our forgetting that the public good, the real welfare of the great body of the people, is the supreme object to be pursued; and that no form of government whatever has any other value than as it may be fitted for the attainment of this object. — James Madison, Federalist Paper 45
fritzoid Premium Member about 13 years ago
I doubt na, whyles, but thou may thieve;What then? poor beastie, thou maun live!A daimen icker in a thrave‘S a sma’ request;I’ll get a blessin wi’ the lave,An’ never miss’t. — Robert Burns, “To a Mouse”
(I doubt not, sometimes, but you may steal;What then? Poor little beast, you must live!An odd ear in twenty-four sheavesIs a small request;I will get a blessing with what is left,And never miss it.)
wroady about 13 years ago
They’ve already taken all of our civil liberties, there will never again be a “govern least”
Stephen Gilberg about 13 years ago
“Just nod”? Is he trying to make Austin paranoid, too?
pirate227 about 13 years ago
Regular viewers of of Fox News will not get the joke.
smalltownbrown about 13 years ago
Is Austin’s job out-sourced?
Only a sinner saved by grace about 13 years ago
I don’t know a single person who thinks 9/11 was a government conspiracy, or that bin Laden is still alive.
Goblinopolis about 13 years ago
I think conspiracy theorists are all in on the coverup.
RayThomas101 about 13 years ago
Typical. I wrote a comment critical of Trudeau and it never appeared. This one probably won’t either.
RayThomas101 about 13 years ago
Well, I was wrong. I wonder how long it will stay until they remove it?
kaffekup about 13 years ago
Ah, the wingnuts are out in force, today!
Whitecamry about 13 years ago
I remember MAD Magazine’s cover with “Alfred E. Obama” on the cover and the caption “Yes We Can’t!”
RayThomas101 about 13 years ago
The proof they do read these comments is that my comments never last long before they’re deleter.
tizzo about 13 years ago
It has been clever, but he did have to reach a couple of times. EG the previous day involved something about the stimulus not only creating jobs, but creating 3.3M of them. That would have been under a quarter of a million dollars per job, an absolute bargain compared to the reality.