I gave Liz the benefit of the doubt yesterday when she called Dick away from his site visit to say, “I’ve got something important to show you!” I suggested maybe it was true. Maybe she did have something important to show Tracy.
But we got bupkis on the 10 scale of importance. “The victim, who we already knew blew up banks and was a freelance saboteur was a suspect in a truck bombing two months ago in Sweden and we’re still clueless about how he got in the country.”
She couldn’t have told him that over the phone?
And how about Tracy assigns some of the MCU crew to investigating the terrorist group – who might wanted to have eliminated Sprengstoff as a potential witness against them? Bet he won’t. Bet he wants to send them up the clock tower for no logical reason… I apologize the the absent Ray and others who remind me I shouldn’t be looking for logic.
I gave Liz the benefit of the doubt yesterday when she called Dick away from his site visit to say, “I’ve got something important to show you!” I suggested maybe it was true. Maybe she did have something important to show Tracy.
But we got bupkis on the 10 scale of importance. “The victim, who we already knew blew up banks and was a freelance saboteur was a suspect in a truck bombing two months ago in Sweden and we’re still clueless about how he got in the country.”
She couldn’t have told him that over the phone?
And how about Tracy assigns some of the MCU crew to investigating the terrorist group – who might wanted to have eliminated Sprengstoff as a potential witness against them? Bet he won’t. Bet he wants to send them up the clock tower for no logical reason… I apologize the the absent Ray and others who remind me I shouldn’t be looking for logic.