Monty by Jim Meddick for May 31, 2014
Moondog! You gotta save Monty! He's been captured by the rebel army! What th' @#$@# are you talking about? Y'know that old timey facial hair he grew?... Well, some Civil War reenactors miss took him for a Yankees spy! Hmmm... Interesting... This might turn out t' be a blessing in disguise. What?! Shave off my old timey mustache?! Shhh! You'll wake the rebels! Your choice, dude. Either that, or stay trapped in this 1861 nerd fest...
seriously, Monty has grounds to sue these guys back into their parents’ basements, and get a few of them thrown in prison for YEARS. REAL crimes have been committed here, kidnapping, molestation, unlawful imprisonment, assault and battery…Then again Sedgewick committed half a dozen federal offenses and a few war crimes a couple weeks ago with his drone strikes so apparently there aren’t any laws in this world.