Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for February 16, 2017
Enjoy this Classic Tom the Dancing Bug Vintage 2007 Every Thursday Panels from the annals of the Tom the Dancing Bug archive Check back every Friday for a fresh, brand new Tom the Dancing Bug! Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bollinger Nate The Neoconservative Nate: "Sigh" We join Nate in an important meeting at The New York Tribune... Man: Nate, to balance out our pundits who are occasionally RIGHT, we'd like you to write some op-ed pieces for us! Nate: Excuse me. Am I the only one who sees that this guy wants to come in? Man: NO! That's the window washer! Nate: Hey, buddy. It's easier to use the door... CAFETERIA Nate: Hmm...committed suicide when he saw me...must have been a remorseful cut-and-runner! Red-Haired Man: Uk...CHOKING! Nate: This poor fellow is obviously hungry! Here, have a turkey sandwich! Red-Haired Man: MMPH, MMPH! Nate: Doesn't anyone else here "get it"? "Sight!" Woman: I'll be right there! I'm burning a disc... FOOSH Man: Impressive! You were disastrously WRONG again, but THIS TIME horrible deaths didn't occur! We'd like you to be a REGULAR COLUMNIST! Nate: It's about time!
Bill Buckley must be rolling in his grave.
The two Steves are the most frightening people ever turned loose to run amok in a Presidential Administration
If ever the Emperor’s Fourth Reich falls apart it will be because, in their dual to become the absolute power behind the throne, Bannon and Miller kill each other – either figuratively or literally.
Or somehow, Jared & Daddy’s Girl manage to usurp them.