Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for May 28, 2016
Lupin: we may have an ally at the dinner table! Elvis: Lupin, ordinarily we're not given table scraps, even though it's well known we are all good boys who deserve treats. Elvis: But now it seems we have an inside guy. Woman: Elvis! Off the table! Puck: Elvis, the Toddler only wants two things. (1. BE OUR BEST FRIEND. 2. NEVER EAT DINNER. ) Puck: Oh, whiskers- This is a green bean. Toddler: Potato, Mom cat! Puck: I would like some ham. Toddler: Is potato. Toddler: More potato. Puck: Ham, please. Toddler: This. Puck: This is a napkin. Toddler: This. Puck: A battery. Puck: I'm pretty sure neither of us is supposed to have this. Man: Whatcha got there, Pucky?
Mom cat?