Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for January 11, 2015

  1. Img 6884
    Rod Gonzalez  about 10 years ago

    Very nice!

    What next? A “Dilbert” version of Working Daze?

    Or maybe a “Calvin & Hobbes” one?

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  2. Zakour signing
    johnzakour Premium Member about 10 years ago

    You readers can also help break on what Zach should do in this week’s Raven Haired Rogue.

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  3. Gold sun tm logo sjte
    James Connell  about 10 years ago

    Thought I was losing it for a moment, “Peanuts” appears a few strips above “Working Daze” in my feed… This artwork is so close to Schulz’s style, I’m embarrassed to admit how much time it took my brain to understand what I was looking at!

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    timgilley  about 10 years ago

    Great work guys!

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    mr_sherman Premium Member about 10 years ago

    I thought Jay was a temp.

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    rshive  about 10 years ago

    Lucy/Rita even has a bottle of water.

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    Kim Metzger Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Nice job on using Schulz’s style.

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    johnzakour Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Yeah I sent Charlies Schulz a bunch of gags when I was 18 offering to help him write Peanuts and maybe even take over when he retires. He called me up to thank me, but said he will be the only one to write or draw Peanuts while he is alive. He did like the gags said I captured the sprit. Scott actually called Mr. Schulz something I never would have done.

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    garcoa  about 10 years ago

    Great work, getting the clothes just right too.

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    ChrisV  about 10 years ago

    Excellent job capturing Shultz’s style, drawing and writing wise, but unlike good ol’ Charlie Brown, at least Jay got the little red-haired, I mean blonde-haired, girl. BTW, is that her sleeping in bed next to him? SINNERS! (Sorry, I used to be religious and that’s one of those things that I still haven’t fully deprogrammed out of my brain yet.)

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    invertedyesterday  about 10 years ago

    Great gag, guys! It took me until the frame with Jay/Charlie Brown for my brain to tell me something wasn’t quite right. Then I looked at the header and read the “Poor ol’ Jay Johnstone.” Glasses and hair on Charlie Brown? Nope!…….Jay may be gullible like Charlie Brown, but so are we all, at some point in our lives.

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  12. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  about 10 years ago

    Enough people have corrected iammu that I don’t think he/she is truly sincere. I think he/she believes the post to be humorous. If iammu cared, the correction would be made.

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    starcandles Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Awesome job, guys! And, a tribute to Charles Schulz. may he RIP.

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    Hunter7  about 10 years ago

    I am so enjoying today’s Sunday comics. Very nice tribute to “Peanuts” and Charles Schultz. still hoped for the success of kicking that football. But it should never happen. Rita is Nancy. Promises,, promises. Poor Jay. But he does have Andromeda

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    WF11  about 10 years ago

    I loved the whole “history of Working Daze” series, and I am very happy to see this sort of thing continuing! I recall one “Peanuts” take off before (were there more?). Both initially fooled me into thinking I had accidentally clicked on “Peanuts”. My very first thought was “Wow, I hadn’t realized that Rita looks so much like Lucy (or vice versa) – TSR must have copied Charles Schultz when he designed her!”.Have Calvin and Hobbs shown up here? I only remember seeing them meeting Maria.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Great dream Jay.

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  17. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  about 10 years ago

    Best tribute to Charles Schultz EVER! And I love how Rita’s hair looks on Lucy. That is such a good look.Fabulously done!

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    Kim Metzger Premium Member about 10 years ago

    I always thought Charlie Brown might have a branch somewhere on Popeye’s family tree. Both had hair, but it was pretty close to flesh-colored in the comics.

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    WF11  about 10 years ago

    If I recall correctly, Charlie Brown’s father was a barber. Maybe in some roundabout way CB’s hairstyle and father’s occupation are related. I had always figured him as blond like Sally, but with very closely cropped hair. Better to identify him as “the round headed kid” that way.

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