Barney & Clyde by Gene Weingarten; Dan Weingarten & David Clark for March 16, 2025

  1. Win 20210604 06 54 44 pro
    baraktorvan  5 days ago

    Well if you would put in the right bin in the first place…..

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    cdward  5 days ago

    Your doing the right thing offends me….

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    gammaguy  5 days ago

    Where’s the bin for paper?

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    gammaguy  5 days ago

    Old joke (from the 1970s, at least):

    Rural folk with trash will look for a trash can to put it in, and do so.

    Most city folk will toss it toward a trash basket/can, but if it misses, they’ll let it lie.

    New York City folk will toss it, but if it accidentally lands in a trash receptacle, they’ll fish it out and throw it on the ground.

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    einarbt  5 days ago

    “It’s now very common to hear people say, ’I’m rather offended by that.’ As if that gives them certain rights. It’s actually nothing more… than a whine. ‘I find that offensive.’ It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. ‘I am offended by that.’ Well, so %$#&ing what." Stephen Fry

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    ddjg  5 days ago

    Mr. Finster, you are right and kind to help. Mr. Pillsbury, won’t you recognize his helpfulness when you erred? It is slight, yes, but real.

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    uniquename  5 days ago

    Your guilt shouts louder, Barney.

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    ChessPirate  5 days ago

    Trash his can…

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    markyakes Premium Member 5 days ago

    Clyde is morally superior about most things, most of the time. Surely Barney is used to it by now? I don’t think I would put up with it…

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    dsatvoinde Premium Member 5 days ago

    Well….all of the bins do have a recycling ♻️ emblem on them.

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    joeallendoty57 Premium Member 5 days ago

    In the park across the street, there are two bins for recycling and one for trash. I have 2 bins the same size. The blue one is for recycling and the grey one is for trash. If you put plastic bags in the recycle one, the company hired by the city, won’t empty that one. They will put a note held in place by the lid stating why the bin was still left at the curb. I use trash bags as liners in my two bins in the kitchen. I have had to remind aides, “Empty the bag with the recyclables in the recycle bin; but, put the bag in the trash bin.”

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    stamps  5 days ago

    Better watch out or he’s going to be composted.

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    Erichalfbee  5 days ago

    Clyde should be offended by Barnies inconsiderate idleness.

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    david.reichert  4 days ago

    We should be happy he did not just drop it on the ground.

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    Retliblady Premium Member 4 days ago

    I grew up in a traditionally racist community. My parents were not traditional. I learned early that when people were telling inappropriate jokes or using racist language that if there was no one within distance to just let others get past their immature behavior and get in with whatever we were trying to accomplish.As an adult I became a den mother. At a meeting of the Pack Leader, the other Den Mother and myself the Leader started to say something then said to her “I was going to tell you a joke but I’ll tell you later as she won’t be amused.”. I sighed and pointed out that I had never said anything to keep them from saying what they wanted. He said, “But you didn’t say anything with so much disapproval.”We all laughed and I told then I was not aware I was being disapproving. And I really didn’t know I was.

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    dapperdaniel  4 days ago

    So, do the places that have an additional charge for beverages have less trash on the ground or do people feel like they paid to have someone else pick it up?

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    gopher gofer  4 days ago

    we got so irritated with the town’s garbage disposal system and dealing with our neighbors where we used to live that we just started hauling our trash to the “clean center” directly. one brilliant innovation the town came up with was bags that dissolved easily for kitchen scraps and other landfill trash. problem was, the bags would start dissolving before the garbage crew could even pick them up. so, the town came up with the brainstorm that those bags had to be lined with newspaper and if they weren’t lined, they’d be left at the collection site. newspaper of course takes forever to dissolve in a landfill… ☺

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    Lord King Wazmo Premium Member 4 days ago

    Clyde IS a bit insufferable.

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