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Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 07, 2013
Miss Phelps: "Yes, Quill, I have all your papers in order..." Mrs. Berger: "Your room will be ready, Quill..." TJ: "Job's waitin' for ya, Oz!" Quill: "Ok. Got school, residence and job nailed. Only 94 more forms to fill out and check" Luann: "Well, once you're here, you'll only have one form to check..."
JayBluE over 11 years ago
“Hello…Hello, Again?”“Her Boyfriend’s Back”or “You Dropped A Bomb On Me”
egag21 over 11 years ago
Was starting to think she’d forgotten about Quill.
The Old Wolf over 11 years ago
Except it’s third at this particular moment. GoComics uses a network of servers, and what you see on your end may not be the final result when all of the synchronization is complete.
The Old Wolf over 11 years ago
I like the idea of seeing Quill work at TJ’s joint. I didn’t know that was in the works.
GOGOPOWERANGERS over 11 years ago
OZ is back hope we can expect more random flitation by Tiffand greater putdown by Oz
cdgar over 11 years ago
Quill is coming back? Doesn’t really matter to me, just surprised. Sounds like a lot of forms, and planning.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
And “97 Forms”…..
Ottodesu over 11 years ago
Poor Quill. He’s going to miss two summers this year.
Lion_Tamer over 11 years ago
I see a double wedding in the future, Brad & Toni, Luann & Guill.
Lion_Tamer over 11 years ago
So Guill is rooming with Gunther could make for some interesting conversations.
honeysum over 11 years ago
I like Quill. And I’m glad Luann will have a happier senior year than I did, because there was no guy for me.
NancyPrancy over 11 years ago
I giggle every time I see the way Greg draws Gunther’s mom.
Lion_Tamer over 11 years ago
Figured Luann would have convinced her parents to let Guill stay in Brad’s old room. Guess mom and dad decided to keep some of the heat in check.
DaJellyBelly over 11 years ago
You are correct. The logo color is correct. But the truck was a chocolate brown color.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Quill will graduate from high school in mid-December, by the Australian academic calendar. For him to leave school now and transfer to Pitt is totally insane (and pointless). This strip has dropped all pretense of reality.-Well, except for one thing – it’s pretty clear that rooming with Gunther is necessary for him to want to come back. Make of that what you may…
overtherainbow over 11 years ago
Following on from my above comment…it’s not like this is real life, after all. :-)
sarafaye over 11 years ago
In a world where colors can of lamps, shirts and walls can change from panel to panel, it is unlikely that they will remain stable after weeks of not being seen.
Lion_Tamer over 11 years ago
Definitely a color to be easily seen from a distance, so you can make a quick and easy escape. Previous color was to close to the post digestive color of TJ’s cooking.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Q Airlines…. “With guaranteed return flights from the Q Continuum” “And now we get you there faster… we no longer serve Hawaii!” -Plotz Convenience Stores… “We make it so easy for you to get what you want!… But you still do have to pay for it!” – and by…Yo Yo Boomerangs….from Perot Industries…. “The only one that comes in both regular and invisible!”… "Also comes with handy return postage, convenient paperwork for almost any situation, and a tracking app on Skype!’ “Please wait 4-6 weeks to ship… Unfortunately, we cant offer returns at this time, no refund requests, please!..”
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Plus, TJ probably decided to change it on the fly… maybe because he wanted it to reflect his “healthy” menu…. – Or maybe he missed the way it looked when he first acquired it, on those pretty cinder blocks…
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Here are some songs that came to my mind, initially: “Hello Goodbye” by the Beatles“My Boyfriends Back” by the Angels“Hello Again” by the Cars“You Dropped A Bomb On Me” by the Gap Band“Back And Forth” by Cameo
Mordock999 over 11 years ago
Welllllllllll, “Ken” uh, I MEAN Quillian’s back by Annoying Demand. Of course, THAT might be short lived since apparently NONE of the “Welcoming Committee” seems to have Checked with INS yet. Besides isn’t THAT Federal Department CLOSED due to the Current Budget Dogfight?I’ll get the “Crying Towels” ready, and Temper My Glee just in case….,
blunebottle over 11 years ago
Yeah, that took me almost half a second to catch…..
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Other reactions/descriptions, etc. that could come to mind:“the Q Continuum” -“That’s Your Q To Come In”or..“Nooooo!” (In slow motion effect)….
watmiwori over 11 years ago
Now we’ve settled that Q is coming back, next week will pickup Lu Tiff and the kids….
Sisyphos over 11 years ago
I guess the term-calendar of Quill’s school Down Under is different from that of Pitts H.S. But, assuming he gets through the bureaucratic maze in time to finish his schooling in Pitts, Luann will have plenty of opportunity to hone her charms, as her Skyped remark in panel 4 implies is her intent. Of course, the Tiffster will also have the chance to act out being Luann’s arch-nemesis….
TwilightSea over 11 years ago
How odd that I’m listening to a song that feels so perfect for todays episode.
L over 11 years ago
It’s maroon to me today.
TORAD_07 over 11 years ago
{uncloaking type=“study break”}…
What will be interesting for me is all the interactions between Quill and Gunther at Mom’s house. Will they both realize, eventually, that they are after the same girl? Will they scrap for her? Or will Evans use this as a way to spur on Gunth to go for Lu (ie. Quill encouraging him to do it and then departing the Luanniverse for good, while Rosa goes off to the Ivy League/Europe as hinted, previously)?
{/uncloaking} ;-)))
reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago
Both colors look the same on my screen.
reedkomicks Premium Member over 11 years ago
I can see Quill not tolerating TJ very well.
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
milania over 11 years ago
Thankfully we’re off the library and the brats! Yay!!
BillH77 over 11 years ago
Quill just should fly into Mexico, walk across the border, and then he would qualify for various Federal government programs and in-state college tuition.
There is no profit in being a law abiding immigrant into the USA.
jklwaddle over 11 years ago
It’s maroon on my computer!
markobx over 11 years ago
I wanna know what the deal is with the guy who NEVER misses with the first post… #getalife
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
I’m just very glad to see what I hope is the end of the arc about young kids working on decorations for a dance they’ve been misled into thinking they can attend.
buccaneer8 over 11 years ago
Awesome, now I can go back to reading Luann again! I have gotten to the point where I will not even read or post a comment if the strip involves Tiffany, Gunther, Bernice or anyone else not named Luann, Brad, Toni or Quill.
patricew52 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Looks red to me.
Pansy1980 over 11 years ago
I was getting worried about the Quill thing he just disappeared and I thought maybe they broke it off.. As long as Luann doesn’t screw anything up they could be a great long term couple.. He really likes her. But she better start doing something for him because he is really doing alot for her
seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Is Quill applying for a green card? How can he work (for TJ), rather than just study, in the USA without the permit? I hope Quill and TJ both get busted for violating labor laws. Otherwise, I hope the INS rejects several of those 94 remaining forms and denies his visa, on the grounds of overall “dullness”.
Willow Mt Lyon over 11 years ago
Are we going to get to the point where two teenagers are advised that there is a drug store on almost every corner. Use it. BOTH of you.
Trainman over 11 years ago
Please, please Greg get Toni back in the picture! Enough already! We have been waiting for the nuptials and the bride in her bikini!
Jayedynn over 11 years ago
Not to be a party pooper, since I enjoy the comic, but I work with international students…so I found today’s strip especially ridiculous. I know it’s a fantasy world and that it doesn’t follow the real world’s rules, but still. Quill can’t work at a job “off-campus.” So any job with TJ, unless TJ magically lands a job at the high school, would put Quill out of status with his student visa. That means his ass would get sent home immediately (or he’d have to pay an expensive fine and apply for reinstatement of status) once it was discovered that he was working off campus.
Jayedynn over 11 years ago
@Joel If Quill is coming to the U.S. by himself to study, then he is on a student visa. A high school student is going to have a very difficult time getting a primary work visa, especially because work visas are usually sponsored by employers. Before, he would have been on a dependent work visa because his father was on the primary work visa, and that allowed him to previously attend an American high school. Now, however, he is not coming to the U.S. as a dependent of a parent. Plus, Quill would have had a visa interview at a U.S. consulate, so it’s obvious that he is coming to the U.S. for the purpose of study. In his situation, he would only have a student visa. And to even get a student visa, his parents or financial sponsors would have to submit financial documents to prove that he can financially support his studies. The only way he can be authorized to work off-campus (which is cleared by a sub department of Homeland Security on a case by case basis) is if A. an unexpected situation occurred to disrupt your source of funding (wars, political unrest, medical expenses) and B. the student can’t find sufficient work on-campus.
kenvilkid over 11 years ago
97 forms….that’s a lota of forms. Quill is planning on staying a while. School and residence forms sound normal for a high school exchange student, but securing a job is for more than that. Green card or work visa applications take a bit longer to process than an exchange student visa, the boy is planning ahead, so if timing is right, that once he’s here he won’t have to leave. Smart boy, his Dad is some sort of international businessman so he would be familiar with how long paperwork needs to go through.
Jayedynn over 11 years ago
@Joel Plus, Quill would need a social security card before he can even begin working for T.J. He can certainly apply for one once he gets into the U.S. so that he can work at a job he’s authorized for, but he can’t even begin legally working until he has a social security card. I highly doubt he had one the first time he was in the U.S., especially since dependents (spouses and children) off of the main work visa are not allowed to work at all.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago
And obviously Greg doesn’t know either. Google F-1 visa, Greg.-The only possibly redeeming aspect of this storyline is that TJ may give Quill a job illegally, and then Quill will be deported and barred from ever re-entering the USA, while TJ goes to the Federal penitentiary. A win-win situation, sort of.
ACTIVIST1234 over 11 years ago
Ooo-la-la! Getting a little racy here, Tame Evans!
ACTIVIST1234 over 11 years ago
I guess we are not going to get the emotional payoff of finishing off the Tiffany story, where Luann makes Tiffany tell the truth and the brokenhearted kids turn on Tiffany in revenge:*So why can’t the real teacher intervene and REQUIRE Tiff to take the kids to the dance as promised? Their bedtime is 9 pm, before the real action starts, and it would be a huge deal for them and the high school kids might think it’s funny.*Again, one of Tiff’s self-centered schemes would have backfired to have turned out for the Good of others.
ACTIVIST1234 over 11 years ago
Donny, your short posts made me check your count— Go Comics said it’s 2000 exactly! If that’s accurate— wow! And congratulations. (Though you’ll be one-upped, quality wise, if Torad passes his credentialing exam this week.)
seismic-2 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Tiffany didn’t promise the kids they could go to the dance. She said maybe they could go. So if she now says that she asked, and no they can’t go, they will of course be disappointed, but they won’t have been lied to. (Deliberately misled, yes.)
locake over 11 years ago
He’s missing some of the school year here. Is he attending school where he is until he transfers? That seems like an awful lot of trouble.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Looks like the color got changed back to maroon, overnight… a simple joke played upon us, Lol! – Either that, or TJ’s a very good “con”!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
I hear ya! There seemed to be a time when teens would think it, or hint at it, but not necessarily say it… at least not around the folks…. nowadays, such things are tame in comparison…
whiteaj over 11 years ago
Folks with student visas can work?
Petemejia77 over 11 years ago
I love Luann’s bedroom eyes! So steamy!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Isn’t it Jerry Springer’s show that features the catfights?^Unfortunately, Maury has followed suit… he used to be one of the “Donahue” types, but no longer….
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
A student on an F-1 visa is allowed to work off-campus after a first year is completed. Quill had already been in the US (and given the creative timeframes in comics, could be presumed to have completed an academic year already). That would mean he’s eligible to work off-campus.
overtherainbow over 11 years ago
Apparently, Gunther is the World’s best loser
Gunther will administer slow acting poison so it appears Quill is wasting away with some diesase.
Bwaaahahaha! We can only hope.
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
I’m also thinking the parents of these kids would not be thrilled at the idea of their little ones attending a high school dance, even if only till 9 pm. Personally, I hope this whole arc is over and done with. If we see Luann at work again, I hope it’s just her and the kids she’s reading to, and not Tiffany. If Evans wants to show Tiffany at work, then it should be just Tiffany and the kids she’s working with, not Luann. The contrast would be interesting.
overtherainbow over 11 years ago
Who is “Guill”?? Isn’t QUILL the Aussie?
Oh, come on.Can you honestly say that you’ve never committed a typo?I used to correct people’s typos, but I stopped when I realized I was guilty of them myself. I proofread what I type, but sometimes, they just sneak by me.
THANK you, JPW. I’ve edited books that have seen print, but geez, the typo police on message boards are a drag. Unless the typos are funny, of course, and then it’s all good.
Argy.Bargy2 over 11 years ago
After the first year, a person with an F-1 student visa can work off campus.
overtherainbow over 11 years ago
Cool! My Aunt Harriett worked with Will Shortz at the New York Times on the crossword puzzles for years. She edited them. When she died ten years ago, my sister and I had to go to New York to sort out her apartment and other business, and we met with Will at the Times. Got a nice tour and he showed us some of her work, out of the cavernous files. Later he came over to her apartment and took some of her puzzling reference books, and reminisced about her. He’s a lovely man, very gentle energy—smiles a great deal.
Doctor11 over 11 years ago
Hi, Quill!
overtherainbow over 11 years ago
I know first-hand how annoying typos can be, so I can empathize with others who make them.
Yeah, I know what you’re saying. Now, they’re =really= annoying when you miss them and they get into the published ms. (wail!) or crossword puzzle (*&#@!). Or when the writer is unintelligible, which is more pathetic than anything. Otherwise, you know, typos aren’t important. :-)
Jayedynn over 11 years ago
That’s probably the most likely scenario, honestly.
JayBluE over 11 years ago
If “Rubber Ball” is not one of the catchiest tunes out there!…. If you’re not careful, the refrain will be with you all day, Lol!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
You’ll have to categorize the numbers…. half of my total may be for here, but the other half are spread between 20-25 comics… 11 of them, I read regularly… NG reads and comments on even way more comics than anyone else, combined… there’s probably no comic on GoComics that he hasn’t read yet… he’s probably reading comics that just got off the colorists’ equiptment, a few seconds ago… that’s how much he reads and loves comics, Lol!
imbaldeagle over 11 years ago
If Quill checks that one form, will he find a boomerang? Doesn’t look like it from here. Well, I guess she could have tucked it inside.
3pibgorn9 over 11 years ago
Yay! Good on yer, cobber! It’s the dinkum oil!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
If you mean the independent/not yet syndicated, or any of the underground style comics, GoComics has them under “Sherpa”, which is among the green buttons at the top (such as the “home” button, etc.). Once you click on the button, it takes you to them. Those comics will have the same buttons, but in blue. And if you are looking for a specific one, you can search using the same search box, or you can find them on the alphabetical listing….
ORMouseworks over 11 years ago
Well, At Last! The saga of Quill and Luann Will continue! I don’t know if that is good or bad news for y’all, but Luann seems to think it is very good news. I like her little joke about needing to only look at one form. I guess he must have climbed out of that chasm because he seems to be alive and well (the chasm was my idea of what happened to him as in he fell off the face of the world, and where Was he already)… ;)
ORMouseworks over 11 years ago
(Re. TJ’s truck): “…or the whole thing has gotten moldy.” I’ll vote for moldy… ;)
ORMouseworks over 11 years ago
“I guess we’ll have to visualize something…” Got a good laugh out of your post… ;)
ORMouseworks over 11 years ago
“TJ has no interest in the law. He will pay Quill cash.” Yes, and someone (who perhaps has a secret crush on Luann) will tattle on both of them, and they’ll both suffer the consequences… ;)
ORMouseworks over 11 years ago
(Re. Night-Gaunt49) “Working his way towards 100,000 posts.” He must be a literary genius! How else could he come up with such funny posts everyday! :)
ORMouseworks over 11 years ago
I don’t know if I was surprised or not that Quill will be back. I am wondering if there will be other female seniors who will make a play for him; would certainly juice up things between Quill and Luann…the classic triangle… ;)
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
I feel your pain.^^TY Lev.
Mikeyj over 11 years ago
Gunther will administer slow acting poison so it appears Quill is wasting away with some diesase.^^LOL
overtherainbow over 11 years ago
What a coincidence, I just sent him a crossword today! I’m hoping to continue my recent success with him, I’ve found to be a hard man to please — the first puzzle of mine that he accepted appeared in 1998 and featured as the thematics WINNER’S CIRCLE, THIS DIAMOND RING, and KNOCK FOR A LOOP. It took me 15 years to get another one accepted (sorry, can’t reveal the thematics for this one, wink wink!). His predecessor, Eugene T. Maleska, was easier to please, I had dozens published by him over a period of 20+ years. Mine was the one “new” Sunday crossword (“Crypt-Teaser”) in the issue in February of 1992 in which the 50th anniversary of the NY Times Crossword Puzzle was being celebrated.
Congrats on getting your puzzle into the NYT, JPW! I’m impressed! :-D Wow—I think my aunt must have edited your earlier puzzles. She’d work all of the submitted puzzles to be sure they were correct, sometimes changed a clue or a word here or there, and…whatever else the puzzle editor did, there was more, I just don’t recall. Anyway, it’s a small world, isn’t it? I only recently started working crosswords—every other person in the family is a crossword fiend. I can’t finish one on my own, but me and my BF together are a force to reckon with.
Again, congratulations! Any idea when your puzzle will appear?
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Wasn’t “My Boyfriend’s Back,” done by The Chiffons? Or did The Angels cover it? ^Well, the Chiffons did release a version, but theirs was the cover, along with Martha and the Vandellas… aaaaand…. the Chipettes…. in the 80s… Lol!
overtherainbow over 11 years ago
on “Aunt Harriett”*
Thanks for the nice story and tie in. Enjoyed. I always enjoyed Sunday morning puzzles on NPR.
Oh, hey, you’re welcome, schmid13. :-) Thanks for reading it.
Attila The Voice! over 11 years ago
Isn’t it nice that everything is working out for the Oz and Brad?! I relate cause things are going very well for me right now :D
Le'Roy Hawkins over 6 years ago
Just join the caravan.