Regardless of how discouraging you are about something like coffee, it doesn’t stop a kid from wanting to try it anyway. I drank coffee as a kid, but only with dad and only as much as he thought I could handle (with lots of sugar and creamer).
When I was little (i.e. <10), my mother would let me have “a cup of coffee” on Sundays. It was a special treat, so I never turned it down, but honestly I did not much care for it. Even with sugar and milk added. Truthfully, I think mom saw it as a way to get some milk into me, since I did not like milk then (or now) as a beverage.
I am the BAD grand parent, I gave my grandchildren coffee if they asked for it. And the only adjustment, was to go heavy on the creamer. My oldest granddaughter, was the ‘outlier’ of the bunch. she started reaching and demanding sips at about 6 months old. You would be surprised at the strength of those little hands, when they grabbed the cup of coffee in my hand. I had to give her a sip or risk losing the entire cup. Even before sh found her ‘power’ of grabbing hold of the cup, she would just dunk her hand in the coffee, to get her tastes.
I developed a taste for iced coffee when I was around 9 or 10. Black with sugar. It was a rare treat for me. I got the hot coffee bug when I was 14 or so. Hot and black like my heart. Now I mostly drink tea, Assam or Green. No additives.
M2MM over 1 year ago
Regardless of how discouraging you are about something like coffee, it doesn’t stop a kid from wanting to try it anyway. I drank coffee as a kid, but only with dad and only as much as he thought I could handle (with lots of sugar and creamer).
Doctor Toon over 1 year ago
I cannot imagine Eddie after drinking a cup of my Nuclear Coffee
I’m sure Greg could imagine it, and I would love to see it
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 1 year ago
When I was little (i.e. <10), my mother would let me have “a cup of coffee” on Sundays. It was a special treat, so I never turned it down, but honestly I did not much care for it. Even with sugar and milk added. Truthfully, I think mom saw it as a way to get some milk into me, since I did not like milk then (or now) as a beverage.
exness Premium Member over 1 year ago
I grew up drinking Postum and have never liked coffee. Can’t drink anything with caffeine as it makes my heart go crazy.
Milady Meg over 1 year ago
Have a happy national coffee day everybody!
I was FRAMED!!!!!! over 1 year ago
I am the BAD grand parent, I gave my grandchildren coffee if they asked for it. And the only adjustment, was to go heavy on the creamer. My oldest granddaughter, was the ‘outlier’ of the bunch. she started reaching and demanding sips at about 6 months old. You would be surprised at the strength of those little hands, when they grabbed the cup of coffee in my hand. I had to give her a sip or risk losing the entire cup. Even before sh found her ‘power’ of grabbing hold of the cup, she would just dunk her hand in the coffee, to get her tastes.
Mike Baldwin creator over 1 year ago
Excellent response, the kid will forget all about it by the time that happens!
cuzinron47 over 1 year ago
How do you tell a kid something is bad for you when you drink it yourself?
sperry532 over 1 year ago
I developed a taste for iced coffee when I was around 9 or 10. Black with sugar. It was a rare treat for me. I got the hot coffee bug when I was 14 or so. Hot and black like my heart. Now I mostly drink tea, Assam or Green. No additives.
Teresa Burritt (Frog Applause) creator over 1 year ago
You. Will. Regret. This.
Seed_drill over 1 year ago
My folks were big coffee drinkers, I always thought it smelled vile (and still do). Beer, on the other hand, I came around to.
James Lindley Premium Member over 1 year ago
Celebrating National Coffee Day