For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for March 18, 2025

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    snsurone76  3 days ago

    Why are they fighting? And why aren’t Becky’s idiot parents stopping it??

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    howtheduck  3 days ago

    The word “soon” is very pretty. You can rhyme it with lots of other words and it has a soothing “oo” sound to it. Nevertheless, other equally terrible punchlines considered were:

    On Wednesday. When that day comes it will not be too soon.

    On the end of the month. That month may end me before it ends itself.

    On St. Patrick’s Day. Saints preserve us to last until then.

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    cracker65  3 days ago

    They sure do act like siblings

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    Cactus-Pete  3 days ago

    Because one definition of pretty is “to a moderately high degree”. Learn to use a dictionary.

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    French Persons' Savvy Selection of Screaming Elly Premium Member 3 days ago

    Panel 1: “Lipps, Inc.”

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    WusteRatte  3 days ago

    Because this is how “best friends” act when they are 4-5 yo!

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    Gizmo Cat  3 days ago

    From Lynn’s Comments: When writing for the strip, I looked at every word in the dialogue hoping to find something on which to build a punch line. Here, the word “pretty,” used in everyday speech, was something I thought I could work with. This isn’t the best gag, but it gives you an idea how some ideas evolve.

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    Daltongang Premium Member 3 days ago

    It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt…….THEN it’s just fun.

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    ctolson  3 days ago

    Acting like siblings now.

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    ladykat Premium Member 3 days ago

    It’s a good thing April and Becky are friends, otherwise something bad could happen!

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    rushfan200  3 days ago

    Somehow Becky has always rubbed me the wrong way.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  3 days ago

    Today the kids are fighting while the adults watch.

    By the end of the strip,the parents are fighting while the kids watch.

    Take a good look at Becky’s dad, who was eventually reduced to off-camera villain

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    Spencer444  3 days ago

    April and Becky are not fighting at all… They do not exist. They are fictional characters in a comic strip. It is so interesting how many people see them as real. I really like Lynn Johnston, as she exaggerates stupid human behavior and interjects moments of deep love as well. A lot of comic strip characterizations in probably most comic strips convey these exaggerations to satirize ridiculous human behavior. The point is to see the truth in human dysfunctionality. We then take this as “reality” and wonder why these humans (fictional characters) are acting this way INSTEAD OF LOOKING DEEPLY INSIDE OURSELVES!!!

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    BuckeyeFanForever Premium Member 3 days ago

    A procrastinator’s favorite word.

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    John Jorgensen  3 days ago

    Sure it is! I find it to be a very pleasing word aesthetically speaking.

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    lnrokr55  3 days ago

    Yep, dem little kids do be crazy when left to their own devices in a pack, I used to be them. Pro tip, limit the sugar OK! ;-)

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    Brian  Premium Member 3 days ago

    There’s the old joke:

    A woman sees a young girl playing in a mud puddle.

    She says, “Goodness Sally, you’re pretty dirty!”

    Sally replies, “I’m even cuter when I’m all cleaned up!”

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    Pony  3 days ago

    “HI! We were having so much fun, we decided to stay in Mexico for another day. We’ll be back tomorrow. Bye!”

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    HodgeElmwood  3 days ago

    Betcha April started it.

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    tinstar  3 days ago

    Kids are…kids. No matter how close their friendships are, eventually, when spending a lot of time together, they are inevitably going to wind up on each other’s nerves, and this, realistically, is often the outcome. Sometimes, the parents make a good call by letting the kids deal with it, as it will teach the kids that mommy, and daddy are not always going to be there to settle the differences for them.In simple terms, this, is exactly what kids do.

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    USN1977  2 days ago

    “The beginning of the strife is like letting out water, so quit before the quarrel breaks out” -Proverbs 17:14

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