I’ve done that! When swinging the bottle around to move the ketchup to the proper end of the bottle, make certain that the cap is firmly in place. Of course, they were glass bottles, then.
Furtherly? My computer gives it a red underline as I type it. I suspect Berkeley chose it to foreshadow the actions of his most bizarre fur-bearing character.
I was about 12 and dancing in the living room to the radio, with a fountain pen in my hand. It sprayed. All over the two new armchairs my parents had bought a couple of days before. I leave the rest to your imagination.
I got a large grape juice stain across our kitchen ceiling when I was a kid. My dad came home; looked at it; pondered for a bit; then said, “I won’t punish you, if you’ll tell me how you did it”.
As an infant I sneezed beets all over the newly painted yellow kitchen. My parents took me to Mexico. I do sometimes think they MEANT to leave me. (61 and I’m still not allowed beets!)
My aunt had the habit of changing my cousins diaper with her coffee cup setting next to the where he was changed until he made a perfect fountain into her cup! ;-}
Odd Dog Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Good old Bill to the rescue!
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 7 years ago
I’ve done that! When swinging the bottle around to move the ketchup to the proper end of the bottle, make certain that the cap is firmly in place. Of course, they were glass bottles, then.
Sisu60 almost 7 years ago
crazy condiment cat
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Actually many people seem to use that method to solve problems. Simplicity is beyond their grasp.
A Hip loving Canadian... almost 7 years ago
Who/what ever Bill was aiming for, he got… mission accomplished.
johnec almost 7 years ago
Not a good metaphor. The strikes were limited and targeted . . . they just weren’t effective.
There should have been a completely unsauced hamburger somewhere in that picture to complete the metaphor.
Geophyzz almost 7 years ago
Furtherly? My computer gives it a red underline as I type it. I suspect Berkeley chose it to foreshadow the actions of his most bizarre fur-bearing character.
Diat60 almost 7 years ago
I was about 12 and dancing in the living room to the radio, with a fountain pen in my hand. It sprayed. All over the two new armchairs my parents had bought a couple of days before. I leave the rest to your imagination.
Radish... almost 7 years ago
Holden Awn almost 7 years ago
I got a large grape juice stain across our kitchen ceiling when I was a kid. My dad came home; looked at it; pondered for a bit; then said, “I won’t punish you, if you’ll tell me how you did it”.
Impkins Premium Member almost 7 years ago
As an infant I sneezed beets all over the newly painted yellow kitchen. My parents took me to Mexico. I do sometimes think they MEANT to leave me. (61 and I’m still not allowed beets!)
wirepunchr almost 7 years ago
My aunt had the habit of changing my cousins diaper with her coffee cup setting next to the where he was changed until he made a perfect fountain into her cup! ;-}
opsono almost 7 years ago
The real indication that civilization is doomed is that ketchup exists in the first place.
Sisyphos almost 7 years ago
Bill, you da Cat!
Dose pengies and hoomans? Foggeddaboutit!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 7 years ago
A ketchup suppository can’t be a good thing.
dwane.scoty1 almost 7 years ago
Was the Metaphor have anything to do with Catsup?? ( get it? Cat-wasssup!).
codedaddy over 6 years ago
Shake and shake the Ketchup bottle. None’ll come, and then a lot’l. – Ogden Nash