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Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 16, 2014
Quill: "Listen, Rosa would be long gone if she didn't like SOMEthing about you, right?" Gunther: "What, my good hygiene?" Quill: "Don't knock it. That's more than most guys" Gunther: "Fine. She likes that I floss, but she hates that I'm so timid" Quill: "You just need a bit more courage, mate" Gunther: "And I get that how? Order a crate through Amazon?"
JayBluE about 11 years ago
That’s funny, instead of walking to Oz, the Lion has Oz walking with him!….– G-man must also be a horse jockey!…
JayBluE about 11 years ago
“The Wizard of Floss”“Don’t Be Scared….To Rinse!”or“Your Courage Is On It’s Way, Sir!”….
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Tomorrow Quill tells Gunther how Australians floss with barbed wire.
Caldonia about 11 years ago
Ow, my eyes. In my day a teenage boy wouldn’t be caught dead in those colors. So, you’re less timid than you think, Gunther.
wiselad about 11 years ago
courage comes from confidence in within, not from a magical box
kenhense about 11 years ago
Evans has been stringing us on a long time. Greg – Surprise Us before you move to another arc!
Swalb%515 about 11 years ago
Women like men with confidence in themselves.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Or Horse Jockeys?..
ladyzeeba about 11 years ago
Sounds like a plan to me Gunth.
sarafaye about 11 years ago
Stop your pouting and listen, Gunther. Quill is trying to give you advice. Luann has tried. Knute has tried. Tiffany has tried. (Well, that one almost worked, but it made him not Gunther.) Even Rosa has tried. If Gunther would rather wallow in anger and self pity he might deserve to be alone.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
“Brought to you” by…Chef Boy-Oh-Boy Dental Floss… “Spaghetti dinner and handy floss, all in one fell swoop!…. Now you too can have your dinner, and brush with it, too!…”-Cramazon… “For that hard-to-find record you’ve always wanted… for that Limited Edition Elvis Phone…. for that rare Pee Wee Herman lunchbox!…. No, we don’t sell any of that stuff, but we have plenty of boxes here for you to put them in!….” – Gleebay… “Lots of stuff waiting to be yours!… And you don’t have to worry about bidding!…_As long as_ you can pass the mustard with our panel of judges, and as long as America decides that you should have it!….” – and by…Mr. T’s Courage Mart…. "Ughh!… I pity the fool who don’t have the guts to come buy my stuff! "…
Caldonia about 11 years ago
Ha! Good point!
JayBluE about 11 years ago
“Ebay” parody, Weird Al and also “Craig’s List”, by Weird Al
Angelalex242 about 11 years ago
Gunther’s off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Quill Wizard of Oz, because because because, because of the wonderful things he does…
DaJellyBelly about 11 years ago
I’m quite sure that Rosa isn’t concerned about Gunther’s choice of wearing apparel. She probably is delighted that he bathes or showers frequently, uses deodorant, has good oral hygiene and keeps himself presentable.
honeysum about 11 years ago
What doesn’t compute is that Gunther wanted to retire from the party early. If he liked Rosa, he would just have hung around her. But to retreat is more like boredom. So I think Greg was mixed up on this scene.
Angelalex242 about 11 years ago
Gunther is Lawful Neutral (or even Lawful Stupid!) Rosa’s trying to be an agent of Chaos…
JayBluE about 11 years ago
With a PhD!… Of course, Dimento already has that trademarked, Lol!…
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Yeah, that’s better! Had a similar thought!… – Of course, noticing Qull and Gunther’s brows, I believe that they’re also auditioning for “Grumpy Old Men”….
blunebottle about 11 years ago
One of the great difficulties in life for those of us who have had low self-esteem is coming to understand that the key part of that concept is the SELF part. I now realise that my self-esteem comes from what I choose to believe about myself.I have sat in counselling sessions with those who could not get past “my self-esteem comes from what others say about me.”“No one can make you feel inferior without your express permission.” -Anon.
Scott Stevenson about 11 years ago
Ya know, Gunth, anybody who is willing to be seen in that outfit already has all the courage they need.
Unless they’re on the way to the opthamologist.
draksig about 11 years ago
Do I smell a double date in the future?
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
Quill could save the day for Gunther here—if it’s at all saveable…. Gunther, listen and learn!
Ottodesu about 11 years ago
Courage used to be the name of an Australian beer.A crate of cold beer would be good in Australia right now, even the cold south is over 40 C day time or 30+ (90 F) at night time.
Mikeyj about 11 years ago
Was there a day when teenage boys wore those colors, I mean aside from the days when teenage boys worked as court jesters?^^Actually, that outfit is straight out of the Jazz age (1920s)
Liam Astle Premium Member about 11 years ago
The liquor store. That plays sells all kinds of courage.
sleeepy2 about 11 years ago
Isn’t Rosa wrong to be attempting to change Gunther’s fundamental personality? He is who he is. Imagine the reaction if Gunther was putting pressure on Rosa to change her personality. Not so benign then, is it?
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 11 years ago
Good hygiene is over ratedBad hygiene is how we avoid having to beat the ladies away — let the smell do it for us..Sour attitudes also usually work.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 11 years ago
Dadgummit, what’d y’all do with FIRST this morning????
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 11 years ago
If I only had tha noive!
Darsan54 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Wearing that sweater alone shows Medal of Honor levels of courage.
rasalom about 11 years ago
Make sure you get it with Prime shipping.
andygup about 11 years ago
His frustration is actually the first step to getting himself the courage to be a little more spontaneous.
For many, frustration over being the good guy, always being over cautious is very frustrating, because it causes one to hesitate and experience setbacks in many aspects of life. The frustration at being the nice guy finishing last, leads to a sense of abandon, which loosens inhibitions – hopefully it works out for him.
This sort of character development is a common theme in many narratives – the most obvious, and extreme, is the show ‘Breaking bad’
andygup about 11 years ago
His frustration is actually the first step to getting himself the courage to be a little more spontaneous.
For many, frustration over being the good guy, always being over cautious is very frustrating, because it causes one to hesitate and experience setbacks in many aspects of life. The frustration at being the nice guy finishing last, leads to a sense of abandon, which loosens inhibitions – hopefully it works out for him.
This sort of character development is a common theme in many narratives – the most obvious, and extreme, is the show ‘Breaking bad’
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 11 years ago
I have worn checkered flannel shirts and everyone knows I am a cool dude.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Hey Gunther?
You Weren’t so “Timid” when You rescued Luann from the Bottom of that deep Ravine a few years ago, Remember?Damned Near Broke Your Back in the Process, too! THAT Took GUTS!Whats different Now? Well THEN You Rescued Someone You REALLY Cared about.NOW You’re being SHOVED Toward Someone, WHO, while VERY Nice, YOU have LITTLE Feelings For.
DEAL with It Son, and STOP Taking “Advice” from the Enemy.
And Remember: The Truly Courageous NEVER Give Up on Their DREAMS.
Now RUN Along and USE Your GREATEST Gift; Your VAST Intellect, and Devise a Plan to Get RID Of Pretty Boy Once and For ALL.
I Wait Here in Case My Friend Argy, shows up with a Rebuttal…..,
Phongor about 11 years ago
Perhaps Gunther should ask Knute to help him with a wardrobe makeover. THAT would certainly shake things up a bit. Dump the green shirt and pink(ish) and black sweater.
Endunamoo about 11 years ago
To right, He needs some adventure in his life. Rosa has travelled, travelling changes you and your outlook on life. Perhaps a Trip is the best place to start. There is still planning involved, but you are also at the mercy of wimsical fate.
emw1 about 11 years ago
I have to concur. That’s an awful combo.
CYGNUS X1 about 11 years ago
You can gert rid of that sweater for starters mate!
reedkomicks Premium Member about 11 years ago
@. . From yesterday. It’s real nice of you to run to Argy’s defense, but you might want to read her many comments and see how she attacks those she disagrees with. It’s really unkind. Just reading the comments doesn’t mitigate this.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
As far as I knew, the Dr. just gave up his radio show and is now “disturbing” people in his retirement….
ewalnut about 11 years ago
Why doesn’t Rosa suggest he come to Ecuador with her and help on her project?
genorino about 11 years ago
♫ Gotta be a macho macho macho man!!!♫
Willow Mt Lyon about 11 years ago
Quill, take Gunth to Ground Zero Clothing and Board Shop in Davis, California or in Roseville, California. Get him to buy a skate board and a snow board and all the clothes that go with both sports. Then send him Knute’s way to get some boarding lessons. Gunth will eventually learn and gain confidence in himself. That will lead to him to be more confident with girls. Knute will learn that his skill and knowledge of boarding can be of value and get hired at Ground Zero Clothing and Board Shop.
ACTIVIST1234 about 11 years ago
So Quill IS counseling the G-man on how to be romantic! Not to draw off the attention from Qu, but I do believe I predicted this plot turn way back… oh, maybe two weeks ago. :) Hope all our teen readers are paying attention too!
ACTIVIST1234 about 11 years ago
If your little song took less than 5 minutes to write, you’re a darn good lyricist.
Liam Astle Premium Member about 11 years ago
Just follow the boy from Oz to the Emerald City and ask the Wizard for some courage, Gunther.
Crandlemire about 11 years ago
I get it. Quill is the wizard of Auz and he’s going to give Gunther some courage. Classic!!!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 11 years ago
YAWN…. *this is gettin old…
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 11 years ago
People fear socialism as a governmental system because they believe it would limit human freedom “for the greater good.”.Being sociable and social are different animals from socialism.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Click here for Gunther’s helpful hygiene tips number six…
wlabinger about 11 years ago
Guys look great in pink! you should all try it!
Willow Mt Lyon about 11 years ago
Gunth’s sweater is a good example of why some women shop in the men’s department. The shirt would be okay for women, too, if the buttons were on the other side.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
-the clothes are irrelevant …it’s how he ACTS that’s important to Rosa-Exactly, and, also very importantly, it’s how he acts TOWARD Rosa. The fact that he never asks her out, and hesitates to kiss her makes her feel that she is not of interest to him….
Willow Mt Lyon about 11 years ago
Hey Gunth! You are a fashion designer, are you not? Check out these.
Hugh Manatee about 11 years ago
Gunther’s a vampire. Figure it out.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
-Oh, Lord… Well, I guess it’s better than meds….
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
-I guess I spoke too soon….
tubgrape about 11 years ago
Quill should stand back behind Rosa and Gunther should ask her out. If he fumbles, Quill clenches his fist at Gunther and glares a warning where Rosa can’t see him. If Gunther flops totally, Quill knocks him on his *. Next time they try all over again. Gunther will begin to weigh which is his greatest fear: a ko or a kiss.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 11 years ago
Come to the Dark Side, Gunth.There isn’t an evil genius yet that didn’t have a girlfriend.
notbornyesterday about 11 years ago
Just cause you are cautious and plan things out, doesn’t mean you are timid and boring. Plan on doing something you haven’t done, preferably something out of your comfort zone, and follow through. And invite Rosa.
notbornyesterday about 11 years ago
change? for beginners, update your wardrobe.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
- but he does need SOMETHING-Support group for shy people? (I’m not kidding…) Talking about problems with folks who share the same issues can help. -I was a volunteer on a crisis switchboard and we had a group for homeless vets (back during the Vietnam war, that’s how old I am). And one of my oldest friends worked as a counselor at the VA; he was a social worker (retired now). Just talking is sometimes a lot of help….
Mordock999 Premium Member about 11 years ago
(SIGH) Dave, Dave, Dave. Gunther Just SAID That He’s “Attracted” to Rosa So as to NOT Hurt Luann’s Feelings!
And NOTE that In Your Strip Reprint that Luann Is NOT Wearing the “Boomerang”,,,,,
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Speaking of smart guys, Profeesor from Gilligan’s island passed away…
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
-traits lately that point also to needing professional help-Well, since I was just a (very undertrained, as it turned out) volunteer, and not a professional counselor, I know I’m no expert on whether someone is seriously ill. I do know, though, that I sensed how messed up one of our guys was (he turned out to be what was then called manic-depressive, now bipolar), and in our few group sessions, his level of energy was so high that I felt drained around him. Others were exhilirated. Till his wife called a week later, telling us that he’s quit his job, sold their house, took the money and was trying to find gold in Colorado….
But the behaviors I saw that made me decide not to go for a Master’s in Social Work and stick with what I was already trying to do were when people got suicidal, and one guy who told me he’ d ‘been to the top of God’. He wasn’t on drugs. He probably had what we now know of as a closed head wound, couldn’t read anymore, couldn’t make sense of traffic signals, and was afraid to stay inside a building for very long.
-So I guess I expect something more dramatic than just being shy and nervous when I think of someone who needs meds….
Today is a weird day for me, sorry. Crazier than usual at work, and I just got a bunch of emails telling me about an emergency meeting of our Temple. Seems our Rabbi, who seemed like such a great guy, is accusing our Board of conspiring behind our back and refusing to do his ‘biding’ and he quit…. and here I thought he was such a nice guy…-World’s going crazy…
Mordock999 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Well, I STAND Corrected Dave.
On the Boomerang Part…..,
Grumpy Old Man Premium Member about 11 years ago
If he orders from amazon he can get it in two days
Willow Mt Lyon about 11 years ago
His own shop might come along after he works at Ground Zero Clothing and Board Shop for awhile.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 11 years ago
“I think that people today have too much fear – this includes Gunther, and myself at the same age…”-Knowing how many monsters are out there without knowing how to kill the monsters inspires fear.-I heard this afternoon that Congo had over five million killed in assorted internal wars. I see they have about 67 million people. Unless we think “it couldn’t happen here” we have reason to fear — especially if we don’t know how they got in that shape.,I keep remembering Pol Pot intended to kill two thirds of Cambodia’s population for economic reasons — not out of hatred — just because his understanding of Communist or socialist theory told him that was the proper number. I had friends whose entire families were wiped out except for the husband and wife.. Imagine getting so caught up in a thought system that people become unimportant to you, just tools or obstacles to be used or thrown away. A little more fear might not really be paranoia, just proper caution..One thing is certain, if Gunther considered that big picture, he would be less worried about many things and in more of a hurry to enjoy his time with Rosa.
ACTIVIST1234 about 11 years ago
RIP: Dave Madden of the Partridge Family has died, as has the Professor of Gilligan’s Island. May they live on in the good works that they did.
Swalb%515 about 11 years ago
Dr, Demento, AKA, Barry Hansen, is still with us. He is 72 years old, now.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Yes, I heard…..
JayBluE about 11 years ago
And Dave Madden was also in “Alice”!….
Swalb%515 about 11 years ago
That episode that Russell Johnson appears in The adventures of Superman, season 1 is called, “Runaway Robot”.
sjsczurek about 11 years ago
LuAnn is showing stereotypical thinking in that strip.
flowergirl19 about 11 years ago
Durn is correct. You could have made shorts out of them, totally cool!
JayBluE about 11 years ago
A family pattern? If we could check the College of Arms, or any of the Eurpoean Registers….hmmm….
ORMouseworks about 11 years ago
I’ll make this shorter than my other eloquent post which has somehow disappeared into who knows what space… Gunther: you need to lighten up! Maybe you have clinical depression? It could be! There are Great medications out there that Really can help you… Concentrate on the good points you have and try to ignore the constant degrading thoughts you have! Listen to your heart rather than with your head…it needs a rest! ;)
JayBluE about 11 years ago
In other words, “DO NOT look at the giant pink fuzzy elephant tap dancing in the center of the room!”, Lol!!!..
flowergirl19 about 11 years ago
“All is not lost, I still have my Angel flights and my Dittos…”
Do they still fit? If they do, then I’m impressed!
flowergirl19 about 11 years ago
“Honestly, they do fit around the waist, but since I’m about 5’ 11” and not 5’ 4" tall like I was when I bought them, they look like ‘highwaters’… :(".-
Hey, highwaters or capris are in for men too now. That trend started in Europe several years ago and is catching on here too, at least for workout pants. (I’m not sure how it would look with bell bottoms though, lol!)
JayBluE about 11 years ago
But I didn’t mention the juggling one legged sloth!… oops!….
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 11 years ago
Everybody understood it couldn’f be Gilligan’s island if they weren’t stuck on the island..Remember the time they made a silent movie but didn’t think to enclose a simple note giving their coordinates?The transatlantic cable they didn’t anchor down or manage to get the message out?.As the aliens on GALAXY QUEST said, “Those poor people.”
lspang about 11 years ago
People like people with confidence in themselves.
Isaac Chen over 6 years ago
Get it from the wizard of Ox!
Fedup Bear over 1 year ago
That shirt and sweater combo is horrible