Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for March 15, 2025

  1. Small keeper
    McColl34 Premium Member 6 days ago

    Flaxseed in cookies? I’ve never thought of that. Now, I must try it!

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  2. Beatrix
    azkfwecho Premium Member 6 days ago

    And, it’s the dessert!

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  3. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member 6 days ago

    Chocolate chip cookies! My favorite! A wonderful way to end the week. Thank you for Recipe Week, Georgia! Super cute concept, nothing else like it in comics (so original!) Looking forward to the next one.

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  4. Guinness cat
    uncle snipe  6 days ago

    This is quite similar to my chocolate chocolate chip cookies, except it uses both light & dark brown sugar, 3/4 cup each. No granulated sugar. 1 1/2 sticks of butter. Also, baking soda AND baking powder, 1 teaspoon each. Plus, it uses 2 cups of bread dough, makes them slightly chewy, in a good way, and 3/4 cup of all-purpose flour. 1/4 cup of cocoa powder, for the chocolate part. Nuts are optional. Same basic method though. I use a 2 inch scoop.

    325F oven for 15 minutes. Rest, still on the cookie sheet, for 7 minutes, then transfer to cooling rack for an hour or so, or at least as long as your patience will allow. LOL

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  5. Grand canyon picture
    Ricky Bennett  6 days ago

    I can’t make this for my computer because my browser doesn’t accept cookies…

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  6. Americauna chicks 1 week 003
    howtheduck  6 days ago

    Needs more alliteration. Georgia’s Ginormous Gorgeous Chocolate Chip Cookies.

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  7. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  6 days ago

    Be sure to smush the flax seed a little, or you won’t be able to metabolize it.

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  8. Missing large
    GreasyOldTam  6 days ago

    more chocolate chips than flour!! Gotta try this.

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  9. Missing large
    dmah Premium Member 6 days ago

    Must share one of Cookie Monster’s cookie songs …

    Me want a soft boiled cookie

    And a glass of cookie juice on the side

    Or for a change one morning

    Me will have cookies scrambled or fried

    It isn’t hard each morning

    To keep me satisfied

    Just give me a soft-boiled cookie

    And a glass of cookie juice on the side

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  10. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 6 days ago

    This is helpful. We could always use more recipes.

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  11. Missing large
    netstuph  6 days ago

    Ground flax seed. Interesting…

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  12. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member 6 days ago

    Here’s another from the 1950s church recipes:

    Chinese Chews

    Melt 1/4 lb. butter and

    1 lb. of brown sugar. Bring

    to a bubbling boil. Cool.

    Add 1 1/2 c. flour

    2 eggs

    2 t. baking powder

    1 c. chopped pecans

    Bake 35 minutes at 325 degrees. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Cut in squares.

    I hadn’t heard of this one. It seems to be pretty popular on the internet, although many of the recipes have dates as well. Not sure what’s “Chinese” about it. Maybe just alliteration.

    I like pecans, so this is one I’d likely enjoy. It’s another case where important details of mixing and pan size are missing. It’s also the style many have of not having a totally separate ingredients list, but rather combining them with directions. If I made it, I’d consult similar ones online as well.

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  13. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  6 days ago

    I’d modify instruction #8 to read, “Try to wait until you can touch a cookie without burning fingers or tongue!” Chocolate chip cookies are best when the cookie is still warm and the chips are still gooey!

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  14. Kilo icon
    WelshRat Premium Member 6 days ago

    Flaxseed’s a new one on me.

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  15. Missing large
    sergioandrade Premium Member 6 days ago

    I’ve heard of chocolate chip cookies using 2 parts chocolate chips and one part carob chips.

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  16. Dscf0663 meimei crop
    Aspen_Bell  6 days ago

    I will be looking for my mom’s copy of The Settlement Cook Book and anything else I can find in storage.

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  17. Missing large
    ekwirt  6 days ago

    I always add 1/2 tsp cinnamon to the dry ingredients in my chocolate chip cookies. It adds a little extra “something” without being overpowering.

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  18. Maxie
    Susanna Premium Member 6 days ago

    These are my favorite chocolate chip cookies that my mom made when I was growing up and pretty much the only ones I ever make.

    Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

    1/2 cup butter

    1 cup white sugar

    1 cup brown sugar

    1/2 cup oil

    1 cup peanut butter

    1 egg

    1 1/2 tbsp. milk

    3/4 tsp. baking soda

    2 cups flour

    3/4 tsp. salt

    1 1/2 cup chocolate chips

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cream sugars and butter. Add oil, peanut butter, egg and milk. Combine dry ingredients and add to the rest of the mix. Stir chocolate chips into mixture. Drop spoonfuls of batter on cookie sheet. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes.

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  19. Screenshot 2025 03 05 110358
    Guardian_Tubby  6 days ago

    Mmmmmmm the choco chip cookies sound yummy especially when it’s warm

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  20. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  6 days ago

    OT: Cartoons with small Audiences

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  21. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  6 days ago

    Tom Toro made this comment on his “Home Free” comic yesterday:

    “Please remember to like, comment, and share, to keep Home Free thriving in the GoComics ecosystem! :)”

    That has me worried about some of my favorite comics that just haven’t quite found their full audience. If you have ever viewed and liked Home Free (or one of the others), please take the time to like and make a comment to let GoComics know that these comics are important!

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  22. Trouble and mischief together
    Lady Bri  6 days ago

    Ohhhhhhhh yes, Ma’am! I want cookies! (っ˘ڡ˘ς)

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  23. Photo
    Robin Harwood  6 days ago

    And here’s the original Vesper, in his own words:

    “Three measures of Gordon’s, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. "

    Good luck with the Kina Lillet. They don’t make it any more. Lillet Blanc is sweeter, but Wiki says you can use Cocchi Americano.

    I won’t try it because I can’t stand gin. Tastes like a mixture of perfume and petrol.

    Cheap perfume.

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  24. Courage
    Courage the Cowardly Dog!  6 days ago

    Mmmmmmmm, Chocolate Chip Cookies!!!!!! wgasasgasshh!! wgasasgasshh!! (Homer Simpson drooling sounds)

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  25. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  6 days ago

    This was my grandma’s ice box cookie recipe. My mom used it to make Christmas cookies. I still have her vinage cookie cutters:

    1 C Crisco (my mom used 2 sticks butter instead of Crisco)

    1 C brown sugar

    1 C granulated sugar

    1 tsp salt

    2 eggs

    3 C flour

    ½ tsp baking soda

    ¾ c chopped nutmeats (optional)

    Cream Crisco (or butter), sugars and salt.

    Beat in eggs one at a timeStir in flour sifted with soda. Add nuts if desired.

    On wax paper, shape into a roll (mom added “about 2 ½ inches in diameter.”)Wrap in wax paper and refrigerate and chill for several hours.(For cut out cookies, divide dough in two, form into mounds, refrigerate, then wor roll out between two sheets of floured wax paper. Keep second mound in fridge until you’re done with first mound.)

    Cut into slices ⅛ to ¼ inch thick.

    Bake on greased cookie sheet in 375° oven 8-10 minutes. Makes 5 dozen.

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  26. Photo
    Robin Harwood  6 days ago

    Is this the end of the cooking programme? I want to get back to the hard news, the intense investigative reporting, and the well researched science journalism that BCN is famous for.

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  27. Missing large
    conuly  6 days ago

    Try refrigerating that dough for a day before baking. That’s the secret to better chocolate chip cookies, no matter the recipe.

    (Well, that and using salted butter, again, whatever the recipe. That little extra salt – mmm!)

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  28. Missing large
    Katzen1415  6 days ago

    Interesting. I’d be curious to compare this to my chocolate chip cookie recipe, which is very similar. This has been a fun week of recipes.

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  29. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  6 days ago

    Me eat cookies and then me getting ads for butter cheecken.

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  30. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 6 days ago

    Where do you get flaxseed?

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  31. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  6 days ago

    Chocolate! Now we’re talking.

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    DraconicFury  6 days ago

    OT: Storms

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  33. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  6 days ago

    Even the best cookie bakers must ensure their cookies pass quality control. I remember baking cookies with my mom, and my dad was our quality control person. As soon as the cookies were cool enough to be sampled he would test them. Sometimes he had to do rigorous testing, like how the cookies tasted with coffee, etc.

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  34. Screenshot 20240212 174132 kindlephoto 26679302
    DraconicFury  6 days ago

    I’ve had cookies made of literal chickpeas(garbanzo beans) before. Heaven on a plate.

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  35. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  6 days ago

    From the Movie and Musical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

    Nana Dee Dee’s recipes are fine for each day

    Meat loaf can be prepared in many different ways

    Tuna casserole is a favorite food as well, we tell

    Cheesy biscuits, we could eat them all day

    With any meal we would love them, we say

    And your own cookies are wonderful, too,

    And we have to say

    Truly scrumptious, your food is truly scrumptious

    Scrumptious as a slice of ham each day

    All the Big Pink house food is so delicious

    Honest, kitties, you’re the answer to our wishes

    Truly scrumptious, you are all so truly scrumptious

    Bringing joy and laughter every day

    Our hearts beat so unruly!

    Because we love you truly!

    Honest, truly, we do!

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  36. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  6 days ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Outside the oPyramid

    Thomios: Alrighty, everyone. Now it’s time for the Have At It Buffet. Have fun, there’s enough for everyone.

    Ora Z: I got to use the torch to bruleé the topping on the lemon meringue pies!

    Sue Chef: And the whole fire brigade was standing by!

    Puckmosis: It’s always good to experience your food as well as eat it.

    Lupinium: And it was so delicious.

    Beatrixia: Even Elvis got into the spirit of things!

    Elvis-Anum: I knew the kittens would require a chaperone, and I stepped up.

    Puck: And now you’re covered with cream and custard. You’ll need more than a simple grooming.

    Elvis: I anticipated this. I took the precaution of arranging an appointment at Barbara’s Shop, where I’m now headed.

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  37. Missing large
    artchick530  6 days ago

    What sayeth the Orb? Soft-bake or Crispy for your cookies?

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  38. Ziggy with my hat.1
    fgerbil46  6 days ago


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  39. 250
    ladykat Premium Member 6 days ago

    I’ll also be trying this recipe, Georgia, as soon as I can get my hands on some flaxseed!

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  40. Imagescatizwds
    bonita.eley  6 days ago

    You hade me at chocolate chips!!

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  41. 6c7e88ee 8f30 4b12 a05e 0a224f1be068
    jazzinjeep Premium Member 6 days ago

    Drink Recipe:I’m excited to contribute to receipts, lol. My signature drink:Sarah Rita Margarita Rim glass with Salt1 shot Patron Silver Tequila 1/2 shot Grand Mariner1/2 shot LimoncelloTop off with Pellegrino mineral water.

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  42. 20240728 140118
    tewiv Premium Member 6 days ago

    Please forgive me if someone has already answered this and I just haven’t seen it. Is the flour in the cookie and the biscuit recipes all purpose, do you think, since you have to add salt and baking powder or baking soda? And, if so, could you just use self-rising flour and leave out the salt and baking powder/soda? Obviously, I’m not a good cook or I would know these things. Thanks!

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  43. Missing large
    ronlouisscholl  6 days ago

    Happy Cow recipes rock.

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  44. Lovepathology 2  1
    Medtech4  6 days ago

    This recipe is similar to Nestle Toll House original recipe that is usually on their bags of semi sweet chocolate chips. It uses 2 sticks of butter and no flaxseeds. (that’s a good idea for a tad more fiber & protein, as are the addition of the walnuts) Nestle’s is still the best recipe, IMHO, for chocolate chip cookies.

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  45. Bd7b74a6 fdfc 4d08 a704 292313aadcaf
    sdjamieson Premium Member 6 days ago

    If I don’t have flax seed, can I substitute a scrap of linen?

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  46. E1563c3c f728 4e8e 8eb9 2f3d176b27bf
    ZoMcYo Premium Member 6 days ago

    I can modify these as well since there is only one egg to replace! I can use the “cup for cup” gluten free flour and either a flax “egg” or a chia seed “egg.” Yay!

    If I were to use a flax egg, which I typically use, I would likely omit the additional flax seeds.
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  47. Missing large
    CrazyCatMan1234  6 days ago

    I need to try this, it look’s AMAZING!

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  48. Red bird 20250227 221142 0000
    Red Bird  6 days ago

    Uh-oh, I feel a cookie frenzy coming on. Me want cookies! Gimme! Gimme!

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  49. Harpgirl circle
    HarpGirl  6 days ago


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  50. Hipshotbellestarr
    scaeva Premium Member 6 days ago

    Double Dam-ned Weapons Grade Chocolate Chip Cookies: makes ~4 dozen.

    1/4 to 1/2 C shaved dark chocolate

    4-1/2 C all purpose flour (+1/4 C if sifted)

    2 t baking soda

    2 t salt

    2 C butter

    1-1/2 C sugar

    1-1/2 C firmly indurated brown sugar

    2 t vanilla, be generous

    4 eggs

    4 C bittersweet, weapons grade chocolate chips*

    4 C pecans, slightly crushed, reduce if pecan meal is used)

    1/3 C pecan meal (optional)

    molasses, never measured, to taste but don’t overdo it.

    Preheat oven to 375° F.

    Take chocolate chips out of freezer so they’re room temperature by the time they get mixed in.

    Combine flour, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.

    Combine butter and sugars and blend until creamy. Add a small amount of water if butter mixture is too stiff. Water is not necessary if margarine is used. Add vanilla. Add molasses. Add melted chocolate.

    Beat in eggs.

    Blend in pecan meal

    Gradually add flour mixture.

    Stir in nuts, then chips.

    place in approx. 1 T amounts on cookie sheet. Use wider spacing if made with margarine

    Bake 9-11 minutes on ungreased sheets. Remove from sheet and cool on brown paper.

    *We buy ours from The Chocolate Tree™ buybulk chocolate. Com

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  51. Catfish08
    MVMartinek  6 days ago

    OK, I’ve thought about which of my many recipes I should type in, and have decided upon Etoufee (called “Etuffoid” in my database, and I don’t feel like looking up how-to-do-accents right now). Note T = tablespoon, t = teaspoon.

    1 to 1 1/2 sticks butter (1 stick is 1/4 pound)

    3/4 C chopped onion

    1/2 C chopped celery

    1/2 C chopped green pepper

    1 T minced garlic (or equivalent garlic powder)

    1 C chopped tomatoes (canned is fine, drain some of the liquid into your proto-soup container in the freezer)

    2 C chicken stock

    1/4 t salt

    1/2 t black kpepper

    1 T paprika

    3 T flour

    1 pinch red pepper (adjust to your heat tolerance)

    2 bay leaves

    1 T Worcestershire Sauce

    1 T chopped parsley (dried is fine)

    1 lb crawfish, shrimp, crab, or surimi and/or12 oz-1 lb spicy sausage, sliced (Andouille, Linguica, Spanish Chorizo; I’ve done it with spicy Italian, taken out of the casing and divided into globs) and/or12 oz-1 lb chicken breast or thigh, cubed [I usually use all of the above

    Mix flour, paprika, salt, pepper, red pepper in small bowl, put bay leaves on top.

    Melt one stick of butter in a large saute pan and saute onions, celery, and green pepper; about 2 minutes until soft. Add garlic, and if fresh cook 1 minute.

    If using chicken, add that and cook until surface pink is gone. Add any sausage you’re using.

    Stir in the tomatoes and Worcestershire, and whisk in the small bowl of flour and other spice plurals. Cook over medium heat 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    When sauce is thickened, remove bay leaves. If you want, add an extra 1/2 stick (4 T) butter gradually to “finish” the sauce (I never do that; the sauce seems fine as is).

    Serve over rice.

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  52. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  6 days ago

    One of the first sous chef things I did for my mom was cream butter and sugar. I was about 7. She added chocolate chips to a Fanny Farmer recipe calle Cape Cod Oatmeal Cookies. The secret was coconut.

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  53. Green eye
    MemaJean  5 days ago

    I’m saving this one.

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  54. Missing large
    sisterea  5 days ago

    And someday the book will belong to the girl.

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  55. Dscf0663 meimei crop
    Aspen_Bell  5 days ago

    OT: my request to GC for more info

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  56. D34yd011pr76kiehfi3m
    ikini Premium Member 5 days ago


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  57. Missing large
    Guido San  5 days ago

    My method – whine at my wife until she bakes me some. Whining time may vary…

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  58. 393eb3bc 97be 44aa 8ce3 3cdfc568674e
    Bill’s Daughter  5 days ago

    Bill’s Brown Sugar Brownies

    2 1/4 cups light brown sugar (1 box). 2/3 cups butter (can sub shortening or margarine). 3 eggs. 2 2/3 cups flour. 2 tsp baking soda. 1 cup chopped nuts (walnuts). 1 6oz package semi-sweet chocolate chips.

    Melt butter in sauce pan, stir in sugar and cool slightly. Add eggs one at a time and blend well. Add dry ingredients. Add nuts and chocolate chips.

    Pour into large baking pan, or 2 – 7 1/2 × 11 1/2 pans.Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.Should be chewy.Makes 4 dozen when cut.Store in an air tight container.

    My daddy loved to cook!! And he was great at it. This is one of my favorite of his recipes. I added to store in an air tight container, because if you don’t, they get hard too fast. If that happens, just eat it like a biscotti in your coffee…like my daddy always ended up doing when he inevitably left a container open overnight, sure that he was going to go back for just one more.

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  59. Missing large
    Tonksquawk  5 days ago

    Thanks, Georgia!

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  60. Avatar
    Georgia Dunn creator 5 days ago

    Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this week of recipes for something a little different in the mid-winter doldrums, lol! I loved seeing everyone share their favorite recipes in the comments, ahhh!!

    For folks wondering about the flaxseed, as a new Mom I went through a phase where I was tossing it into EVERYTHING—recipes, cereal, smoothies—sometimes with questionable results, lol. However, I’ve come to believe that phase was necessary in my life to strike gold when I put it in the cookies. It gave them a little heartiness and chewiness that I really enjoy.

    And I saw some of the comments about the flaxseed egg substitution trick! Yes! I can endorse the flaxseed egg substitution method too. For each egg needed in a baking recipe; one tablespoon ground flaxseed mixed with three tablespoons water. Stir and let sit a few minutes until it’s thickened. It’s a really good little baking trick to have right now, with the state of eggs, anxious-lol. My sister The Intruder has been a vegan for 10+ years, and so many of my recipes—including this one!—also have vegan versions for when I want to bake for her. To veganize this one, I recommend the flaxseed egg substitution, Earth’s balance vegan butter, and Enjoy Life brand chocolate chips (which are GREAT!)

    We now return to our regularly scheduled BCN broadcasting! Let me know if you’d like this to become an occasional tradition!

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  61. Dennycrop
    Denny Wheeler Premium Member 5 days ago

    And, my favorite: (I love Toll House Cookies; I like these better.)



    1 cup butter or margarine (BUTTER!)

    1 cup brown sugar

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    2 cups sifted enriched flour

    1 six-ounce packaged (1 cup) semi-sweet chocolate pieces

    1 cup chopped California walnuts


    Thoroughly cream together butter, sugar and vanilla. Add flour and mix well. Sir in chocolate chips and walnuts. Press mixture into an un-greased 15 1/2 × 10 x 1 inch jelly roll pan.

    Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) 25 minutes or until browned. While warm, cut into squares or bars.

    Cool before removing from the pan. Makes about 5 dozen crunchy cookies.

    -dw: personally, I think they cut better when cooled. Besides, my pans are non-stick.

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  62. Dscf0663 meimei crop
    Aspen_Bell  4 days ago

    My aunt makes something she just calls breakfast cookies or breakfast oatmeal cookies. She says they’re not really a treat and not something she’d give to visitors, but I will get the recipe anyway, as they sound like something you could eat as a morning energy bar.

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  63. Missing large
    Biskits  2 days ago


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