Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for February 20, 2025

  1. Ava2
    C  28 days ago

    Dunning-Kruger poster child

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    Hello Everyone  28 days ago

    I fear Danae is going to grow up to be a Politician.

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  3. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  28 days ago

    I’m waiting for Cap’n Eddie to be even more insane than Danae…..

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  4. Bluedog
    Bilan  28 days ago

    Actually, Danae is correct. You want to end up with a speed of Zero, both vertically and horizontally. Jeffrey just has to figure out the calculations to get that answer..

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 28 days ago

    Also, you need to get $40 billion in government contracts, none of which is waste. Or fraud. Or abuse.

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    Alabama Al  28 days ago

    Actually, it’s fairly much how setting a budget works. You start with the amount of money you wish to spend and then work backwards, designating the purchases which can be accommodated by that amount.

    I’m reasonably confident Danae has never formulated a budget.

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  7. Edb4beaa 19ab 437d a460 cf4fba2a5e74
    syzygy47  28 days ago

    Math? How about Republican law. I’m thinking this how the current POTUS works. Allege someone’s guilty of something then start manufacturing evidence or pressuring someone to lie.

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  8. Nc201206
    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 28 days ago

    That was the problem with the Mars Climate Orbiter.

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  9. Keaton
    fredd13  28 days ago

    I’m pretty sure that, if you want a smooth landing on Mars, that’s EXACTLY how science works. The solution is a velocity within certain bounds, at a chosen location on Mars, within a given window. You still need the equations that will let you get to that solution (but people have mostly done the hard work for you). Then “all” you have to do is fill in the numbers that give you the answer you want.

    How hard can it be?

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  10. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  28 days ago

    When I was in school (back before they invented chalk much less calculators) the math teachers all insisted that we had to show our work, not just give the answer. And more than once, after I knew the answer, I went back and figured out how I could have gotten there using the methods they were teaching.

    (Yes, I was lying about the chalk. But they really hadn’t invented green-boards yet, much less dry-erase boards or image projectors except for movies).

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  11. Fox picture avatar  2
    phritzg Premium Member 27 days ago

    Since we’re working backwards, there’s landing safely back on Earth, traveling safely from Mars back to Earth, launching safely from the surface of Mars, landing safely on Mars, traveling safely to Mars from Earth, and launching safely from Earth.

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    OldsVistaCruiser  27 days ago

    We have had Mars technology for decades. However, tight-fisted politicians (mostly elephants) put the kibosh on it after the Apollo program, which was also cut short. There were supposed to be Apollo 18 and 19 missions.

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  13. B model art
    Funniguy  27 days ago

    I do not understand why there is an effort to launch a space vehicle to Mars with humans on board. At the present time there is little to gain from such an expensive project other than bragging rights among the Earth’s inhabitants. With the advanced technologies that exist, and are emerging, would it not be less expensive to take the human element and its’ requirements for life support out of the project for the time being and let the machinery and electronics accomplish the mission?

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  14. Hpqscan0023
    Q4horse  27 days ago

    Yes, it is. The Scientific method starts with a hypothesis (answer) and then designs and conducts experiments to confirm it. Just like Danae suggested.

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  15. Boston
    MS72  27 days ago

    Women are from Venus.

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  16. Californiaraisinicon1
    bluegirl285  27 days ago

    It’s a wonder Jeffrey’s brain hasn’t imploded yet from all of Danae’s crazy, nonsensical theories.

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  17. Hm
    cdnalor  27 days ago

    That’s how it works if you want that grant.

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  18. Gigi head
    ClaytonEmery1  27 days ago

    Isn’t that how math works, though? An equation says the sums on both sides of the equal sign are equal. So it you start with the answer, whatever you stack on the left side, as long as it equals the answer, must be correct.

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    dflak  27 days ago

    There is something to Danni’s reasoning. The obstacles look different when you view them from the other side.

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    baskate_2000  27 days ago

    Don’t fight with her Jeffrey, you’ll never win, but you will get ulcers after the arguments!

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  27 days ago

    Why are we trying to go to Mars? Ray Walston liked it HERE.

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  22. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  27 days ago

    Sounds like a process that recently has dominated the news.

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  23. Panda 2024
    Redd Panda  27 days ago

    Danae is correct. First define the task and then the path.

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    ManiacEx  27 days ago

    Any takers on the finale tomorrow being some disaster occurring upon the realization that this ‘magic math method’ doesn’t work if you don’t already know the answer?

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    dalemcginnis  27 days ago

    actually, i’ve seen a lot of science like that

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    calliarcale  27 days ago

    Well, it kind of works. Somebody needs to use this as a sneaky way of introducing her to algebra. ;-)

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  27. Grinch coffee
    I was FRAMED!!!!!!  27 days ago

    That seems like what Musk & Trump are doing. Making up fraud to pay for the tax cuts for the Billionaires.

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    SusieB  27 days ago

    MAGA pseudo science

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  29. Captain smokeblower
    poppacapsmokeblower  27 days ago

    “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy,” was correct, no one can know both the question and the answer.

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  30. Screenshot 2024 08 28 at 9.11.43 am
    SweetieBird  27 days ago

    Actually, in math class, they did require you to show how you arrived at the answer.

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    kyle.league07  27 days ago

    Actually, if you start with the numbers of a successful landing and work back from there, it could lead to a design that works. Think Apollo 13, when they had to start all the circuits without tripping a breaker set at the maximum available. They worked back from the value of that breaker. It makes you have to find the design solution that provides the numbers of success, even if it is just, “Casualties = 0”. Of course that doesn’t mean it will be a usable solution, because of budget or politics or something. But at least you will have proven it is possible. Not quite what she is espousing, but when you are doing completely new things, you have to be open to possibilities.

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    Spacetech  27 days ago

    That how Boeing does it!

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    Can't Sleep  27 days ago

    And today, she’s Assistant Secretary of Education.

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    Jack7528  27 days ago

    Well Tesla said he could do it that way but he was a genius who went mad.

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    Joseph Hafeman  27 days ago

    The SpaceX approach to space travel…

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    patiodragon  27 days ago

    It worked for “dark matter”, whatever that is. Spoiler: nobody knows.

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  37. Greg backlit
    mindjob  27 days ago

    On Babylon 5 they showed humans living on Mars in plastic bubbles with air piped in, connected to each other by tubes. And trains running between them. I think that’s a good guess on how it will really look.

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    Number Six (1967)  27 days ago


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    Will E. Makeit Premium Member 27 days ago

    so THAT’S how carbon dating works…

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  40. Anarcho syndicalismvnnb   copy
    gigagrouch  27 days ago

    That was me in my maths class… i knew the answer, but couldn’t “show my work.”

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  41. Nollanav
    DaBump Premium Member 27 days ago

    Oh, some fields of science (or what passes for science since at least late 1859) do work that way. Foregone conclusion, just work out the details, make the data fit. From what I hear, there are several other problems with all areas of science these days, even in physics. Sad.

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  42. 6c86edf7 1aae 40d2 aa1b 90a21a49b8f2
    JosephShriver  27 days ago

    In a twisted way, would that not be the case? We know the distance, the trajectory to leave earth’s atmosphere the rest is trying to find the numbers that work

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    lnrokr55  27 days ago

    It’s Danae the boat rocker, I like it ! ;-)

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  44. Pigasus
    ptvroman  27 days ago

    No, but that’s how business accounting works.

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  45. Plus green square
    Blackthorne42  27 days ago

    Well, if that doesn’t explain Elon Musk (That Weird Kid) to a T.

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    Tootsie Premium Member 27 days ago

    Feel like Jeffrey in the 4th panel. Read Scientific

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    raybarb44  27 days ago

    It is actually what we do. The answer is going to Mars. You now have to work your way back through each obstacle in a descending order. Though it would seem to be more work that way. But good luck ….

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  48. Picture
    M.K.Staffeld  27 days ago

    I can see numerous math teachers just sighing and shaking their heads…

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    pamela welch Premium Member 27 days ago

    Poor Jeffrey, looks like his head is going to explode! LOLOL

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    keenanthelibrarian  27 days ago

    Just don’t confuse inches with centimetres.

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  51. Me simpsons 2
    eb110americana  27 days ago

    Danae’s more a shuttle-exploding-on-the-launchpad kind of engineer.

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  52. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member 27 days ago

     Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires is a 2022 book by Douglas Rushkoff that explains how the super-rich fully anticipate a global meltdown or catastrophe in their own lifetimes and are laying plans for how they can survive it. It’s everything from underground bunkers to private islands to space stations to wholly owned 3rd-world countries to (you guessed it) Mars. The biggest stumbling block in these elitist survivalist scenarios is where they’re going to get all the flunkies that they’re going to need to supply their services (most notably including all the necessary kowtows). The poor babies may have to actually save some peons as well!

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    Ermine Notyours  27 days ago

    On the Fastrack (Comics Kingdom) is also going to Mars this month, catching up with Safe Havens, which is ten years ahead of it.

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    eddi-TBH  27 days ago

    As a matter of fact Danae is correct. But while her method would create many nifty explosions, Jeffery’s will actually get things to Mars and back.

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    tomgraves  26 days ago

    Mr. Miller, you have unlocked the MAGAT (MakeAmericaGreatAgainTrump) math used by Elon Musk to destroy our democracy! Thank you!

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