Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 15, 2025

  1. 654px red eyed tree frog   litoria chloris edit1
    Superfrog  1 day ago

    History is all the same and here it comes around again.

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    194919671982  1 day ago

    “Those who do not learn history, are bound to get an F.”

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    The dude from FL  Premium Member 1 day ago

    We are erasing history in the USA, back to the 1930’s

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    danjw2  1 day ago

    Danae will get her wish and go down in history

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    jvo  1 day ago

    Try back to the 1880s. The Age of Empires rewrit as farce

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    einarbt  1 day ago

    Well that is one word we could but maybe not. Then again, her version is probably more accurate than we’d like to admit.

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    Hollymartins2  1 day ago

    Russia’s victory over the US came without a shot.

    All it took was the Repuglicans/NFL dumbing down the populous, a compromised Reality Show Con Artist and a couple “news” outlets spitting out their propaganda. Voila! MAGAts now think the post Cold War era, which the United States engineered for its own benefit, is “unfair” to them.

    And what kind of adult whines about things being “unfair”?

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    PraiseofFolly  1 day ago

    I’d bet that female teacher secretly wishes the ‘Wonder Woman’ movies with Gal Gadot had been playing when she herself was a young girl. Paradise Island, currently known as ‘Themyscira’ might have been the fantasy where she was an Amazon warrior … and it still might be.

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    JohnCL  1 day ago

    As they say, even a delusional Danae is right twice a day.

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    JosephShriver  1 day ago

    Boudica (60-61 AD): As a Celtic queen of the Iceni in Britannia, Boudica led a massive uprising against the occupying Roman forces.

    Zenobia (270 AD): As the Syrian queen of the Palmyrene Empire, Zenobia led a revolt against the Roman Empire, taking control of Roman Egypt, Arabia, and parts of Asia Minor.

    Queen Mavia (375 AD): The Arab Queen Mavia led troops against the Romans. Trieu Thi Trinh (248 AD): Trieu Thi Trinh led a rebellion against the Chinese in Vietnam.

    Dihya (7th century): The warrior queen and religious leader Dihya led Berber resistance against the Muslim conquest of the Maghreb.

    Judith (late-10th century): Judith rebelled against the Axumite Dynasty in Ethiopia.

    Yaa Asantewaa (1900): The queen mother of the Ejisu led the Ashanti army in the War of the Golden Stool against the British in the Gold Coast (modern Ghana).

    Maria Bochkareva (1917): Maria Bochkareva formed the 1st Russian Women’s Battalion of Death in 1917. Rani Lakshmi Bai (19th century): Rani Lakshmi Bai, the Queen of Jhansi, famously led an entire army against the British invaders.

    Bartolina Sisa (1782): An Aymara woman who led an indigenous uprising against the Spanish in Bolivia.

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  11. Boston
    MS72  1 day ago

    Genesis 4:6-7

    6 The LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen? 7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.”

    Anger starts wars.

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    Robert- 50d99b]  1 day ago

    Maybe they were all guys in drag.

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    Robert- 50d99b]  1 day ago

    Remember, history is written by the winners and they seldom admit to doing anything wrong.

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    Redd Panda  1 day ago
    In a word … Succinct
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    Count Olaf esq Premium Member 1 day ago

    No, delusional works well enough. Like a lot of the Liberals on here. God Bless America!

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    elbow macaroni  1 day ago

    Great week of work!

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    baskate_2000  1 day ago

    Hate to say this, but she’s mostly right this time.

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  18. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  1 day ago

    The re-writing of history is a convenient reinterpretation of available info and usually fades against the truth. The re-writing of the US Constitution and its legal applications, as has happened daily since Jan 20, is a tragedy from which the US is unlikely to recover in any reasonable period. Its prominence in the world community is already reduced to the point that a recovery, if it occurs at all, will take decades and leave us vulnerable to those militaristic nations which already dominate whole civilizations

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    Linguist  1 day ago

    The world could use more Lysistratas!

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    ladykat Premium Member 1 day ago

    Danae made a very valid point, teacher, and I’m glad you see it.

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    DaBump Premium Member 1 day ago

    Boadicea, Joan of Arc, Elizabeth the First, Catherine the Great… just sayin’…

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    raybarb44  1 day ago

    From Cleopatra to Catherine the Great and Queens from so many different eras throughout History from Eve to now have been responsible for oh so many wars also. It’s not just a guy thing…….,

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    SweetieBird  1 day ago

    Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It

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    Holden Awn  1 day ago

    Danae was an uncited contributor to The 1619 Project as well.

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    Radish...   1 day ago

    Mentally ill misogamist Trump is removing women from USA history.

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  26. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  1 day ago

    Those who don’t learn history are bound and determined to repeat it.

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    wndflower1  1 day ago

    Orwell said it best“the present controls the past!”

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    Popeye1940  1 day ago

    Some world leaders carry on like they’re gonna be around for ever. What right does anyone have to invade or declare wars? Do other planets carry on in the same way or are they watching us and laughing?

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    Bilan  1 day ago

    Danae is proof that she can be both delusional and a genius.

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    Drbarb71 Premium Member 1 day ago

    You know, everyone who contributed to these comments really give me hope that critical thinking has NOT died in America, that reasoned discourse is possible despite differing opinions, and that despite the desperately gloom world we seem to be living in now, comic writers and readers are a special group of intelligent, thoughtful and polite people (even when provoked by trolls) who hopefully can lead us to a better future. Thanks, y’all and have a great weekend!

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  31. The wanderer
    anomaly  1 day ago

    So all of history boils down to Lysistrata.

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    Ikesmum   1 day ago

    Reminds me of the chorus from Patty Griffin’s song, Mary: Jesus says “Mother I couldn’t stay another day longer”/Flies right by and leaves a kiss upon her face/While the angels are singin’ his praises in a blaze of glory/Mary stays behind and starts cleaning up the place.

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    mindjob  1 day ago

    Yeah, all that stuff about the evolution of planes, tanks and bombs isn’t interesting

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    M.K.Staffeld  1 day ago

    On one hand you have to admit she’s got a point to a certain degree; on the other, I feel very, very, very sorry for her history teacher who’s nowhere near getting paid enough to deal with her.

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    62kathleenhicks  1 day ago

    Before the 30’s,we need another FDR!

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    eddi-TBH  about 21 hours ago

    It is shorter, but still accurate.

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  37. Hanszarkov
    CleverHans Premium Member about 20 hours ago

    Wiley’s sexism directed against men misses the point of history: people who rise to power in politics, business, or anything else are rarely the enlightened and wise, regardless of gender. The mythical philosopher-king generally established himself as a warrior-king, wiped out the opposition, and then had the luxury of kicking back and philosophizing, while keeping a wary eye out for competition.

    My workplace experience has been that dramas and intrigues tend to spring up amongst the women, particularly between female managers and female employees, while the men generally try to stay out of it.

    One recent example was one of those mandatory harassment trainings, in which the female leader was trying to explain workplace stalking, when a couple of the female attendees started arguing with her, insisting that it is not stalking when a woman is checking up on a man. “She probably has a good reason to be suspicious and keep an eye on him!” The instructor got flustered and I kind of felt sorry for her, because she obviously wasn’t expecting women to give her flack about what constitutes harassment, but like Danae, they believe that bad things are always the fault of men.

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  38. Cathy aack Premium Member about 17 hours ago

    Well, she has a point.

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    keenanthelibrarian  about 15 hours ago

    Except, of course, that plenty of countries (in living memory) have been taken to war by women. I know that men are supposed to be belligerent, but …

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